
“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3

WHIRRRRRRRRR….BANG BANG BANG!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZ! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! BURP! And there I lay…trying to listen to Elvis! And partly, because I said ‘NO’ enough times!

After my ‘head hitting the tree’ incident and the visit to my Doctor, an appointment was set up to get an MRI of my brain. Between the Doctor visit and yesterday’s MRI, I had phone calls and forms to fill out that asked a LOT of questions. Looking back, I can tell you how to quickly get to and through an MRI. “Just say NO!”

“Do you have any metal in your head? Do you wear hearing aids? Do I have a Pacemaker? Artificial joint? Ear implant? Shunts? False teeth? Are you pregnant?” And the list went on and on until, “Are you claustrophobic?” Let me tell you… If you want to get on with it and get over it.. simply say ‘NO’ to EVERYTHING. Unless you have metal in your body! Then don’t! But here’s the deal!

With a brain injury, in order to stop the ‘essay questions’ from family and friends “How are you feeling?” When will you know if you are OK?” “What did the Doctor say?” etc…and get onto the easy ‘Yes’ or ‘NO’ questions like, “did they find anything wrong?” You HAVE to get an MRI! In order to GET an MRI you HAVE to say ‘NO’ to all the MRI prerequisites! It’s kinda like getting right with God!

“Are you perfect? Do you have any sin in your life? Is there anything in your life that might keep you out of Heaven? Do you worship ANY other gods besides the REAL one?” The tricky part comes when your answers are WAYYYY TOOOO long. Trust me on this! An explanation is NOT your best friend!

I get it! It’s a SIMPLE question! But NOT so simple to answer. And please understand…God isn’t trying to be unfair or prideful. He really DOES KNOW everything. So HE KNOWS ‘HE’ is the ONLY God on the planet. Your trying to lie about it won’t change a thing anyway!

So my advice, after thinking about it in the MRI for about 25 minutes, is this.. BEFORE you hear the ‘BANG BANG BANG’ of the door of Heaven as it closes you off FROM heaven, you may want to give the ‘other God’ question some REAL consideration! And don’t bother to lie. The Doctor already knows the answer!

OH… My MRI? It may shock a lot of you but I now have PROOF! I’m NORMAL!!!! But what do THEY know???


…my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” Psalm 143: 4-5

Yesterday was not ‘memorable.’ Since I fell and hit my head, NO days have been! I spend much of them in kind of a fog… which is actually the prescription for a brain injury! Light activity and REST. I SHOULD have been ecstatic because, isn’t that the perfect description for a 65 year old man? But ‘ecstatic’ was NOT on the daily menu! And I wasn’t alone in the fog!

Lee wound up in the hospital with a blood clot, Galen with an infection and Donna from surgery on her broken arm. Clint awoke to NO news about his future position and WITH an appointment for surgery on his youngest son’s ear! Then I remembered that GOD didn’t awake at ALL because ‘The Shepherd’ NEVER sleeps! I am SO glad I’m not Him!

The one encouraging thing about a flock of wondering, wandering sheep is…at least we’re not alone! I mean think about it! I had 6 inquires from family members as to how I was feeling yesterday alone? That they had taken the time to inquire means that they really do care. Looking at it THAT way, I feel blessed and a whole lot better.

One thing that plagues ALL of us sheep at one time or another, is that nagging sense of a dead end! Loss of ANY kind is sorrowful enough. But feeling no hope or direction only adds to the desperation. Which is MEANT to be A SIGN! I was SO glad I read this Psalm today. David wrote it out of desperation and HE was one of God’s FAVORITES! David’s own experience helps US to see a sign that can ONLY come from God. “When down – LOOK UP!”

You will NEVER see a “NO TURN AROUND” sign on God’s road. EVER! In fact, the complete opposite is true. Sadness, fainting and dismay ARE God’s ‘TURN AROUND’ signs! And HIS prescription is ALWAYS the same. “Remember, Meditate and Consider!” Which I began to apply to MY own situation.

God is NEVER surprised! He knows EXACTLY where I am and where I am headed. He is ALWAYS looking out for me and His coded signs ALWAYS point in a direction the world could NEVER understand. And the BEST part is.. He is ALWAYS right there with me. Which is actually the best reward of all!

When next I see despair’s ‘No Turn’ sign, I’ll have to remind myself that it is actually God’s directive to… do just that!


Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will (fall) be cut off.” Romans 11:22

Yesterday was the first day of school for my wife. While the craziness of a politically inflated pandemic has divided the public on ‘when’ and ‘how’ to start school, many private schools have determined to put education ahead of fear. As a teacher, she comes home with some very interesting stories.

I’m a Preacher and she’s a Teacher. That said, we both get to see the underbelly of 2 major organizations…Church and School! Conversations and events we’ve discussed might shock many of you! Because, just like a house full of kids, the ‘human family’ is FULL of surprises! And like any parent, God has ways to deal with every one of them.

Kindness and sternness may be considered opposites. In the Bible verse today we see that God’s possesses BOTH emotions. As a child of God, I can testify to EXPERIENCING both. Surprisingly, falling down often incurs more of His STERNNESS than His compassion. And NOTHING can cause me to take a harder look at where I have been, and where I am going, like a good fall!

Israel had been promised to be God’s favorite. She was given EVERYTHING necessary to reach the world for God. But she failed because ‘she didn’t watch where she was going!’ Whether by sin, laziness, stubbornness or failure to get with His program, Israel, God’s CHOSEN ones, got sent to a BIG TIME OUT! Which should encourage Believers to pay attention to where ‘we’ are headed as well.

Our Country stands at a crossroads. In 1 week we will have the opportunity to have a SAY in what direction we will head, at the voting booth. A privilege earned through the blood of others. A group is currently looking at the candidates and will give recommendations as to how GOD might want us to go. It is going to be up to YOU to predetermine whether we receive His kindness…or His sternness. The time to be hard is NOT NOW.


How to Teach a Child to Throw, Catch and Hit a Ball: 7 Steps

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” Deuteronomy 4:9

We were invited to my daughter’s house for pizza and to spend some time together with her family. Standing at the font door after knocking, I could hear my grandson holler with excitement… “They’re HERE!” It was going to be a good night!

To me…being a grandparent is pretty cool. It doesn’t require a lot and MOSTLY consists of simply BEING there. When we arrived, it was like we were SUPERHEROES! And we hadn’t even done anything yet! Soon the kids were riding their scooters and running around yelling…”Hey Papa… watch this!” It’s a simple yet honorable gig!

When we were mom and dad, it was our responsibility to teach EVERYTHING to our kids. We took the job seriously and I am proud to say that all our kids turned out BEYOND WONDERFUL! Now, we watch, applaud and encourage our kids and grandkids and occasionally get to teach them a thing or 2.

I don’t know how it started, but there was a stuffed animal that ended up becoming a ball. Somehow a game developed where the goal became seeing how many times my grandson could ‘catch’ the thing… in a row! Without even realizing or planning, old words became new again as I heard myself saying, “keep your hands apart, feet steady, eyes on the…’thingy,’ and grab with both hands!”

The game was not planned and “stuffed animal catching” will NEVER become an Olympic sport. But judging by the laughter, concentration level and joyful effort as we counted our way to ‘victory,’ the exercise was NOT wasted. It reminded me of today’s Bible verse and the advice our Heavenly Father gave us WAY back when.

‘Be Careful…Watch closely…Don’t forget…Try again!” are words that NEVER go out of style. Today my wife went back to school to teach a WHOLE new batch of little kids just waiting and ready to learn some VERY important lessons on how to grow up. Because some things never get old!

Oh.. and the answer to the question is 10!


“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

It was on vacation. Breakfast was cooking and I decided to take a quick ride up the main trail to check out a fallen tree. I wish I could remember the trip! I was by myself and apparently tried to turn around. The next thing I knew, ‘I’ was the one fallen down. Since my head hit a tree, I have reason to not remember.

When I came to I didn’t know WHERE I was or HOW I got there. Trying to stand up…I fell again! So I did the only thing I could do. I started whistling. I was told that a neighbor had heard me for 45 minutes. When my grandson heard me…HE came running. THAT is when I found the Bible verse today more meaningful than ever.

With the help of my sons-in-law, I was brought back safely and the 4 wheeler is fine. That was over 2 weeks ago…and the support group I have experienced from my family, friends and church folks has been incredible. Even my Doctor has pitched in with his professional help. Folks call me ‘Lucky.’ I prefer the term ‘Blessed!’

I’m OK and should be back to normal someday. “Whatever normal is for YOU,” my Doctor friend said. But I am dizzy a lot of the time due to the concussion. “Were you doing something stupid?” several people asked. I reply humbly…”Of course!” Though I don’t know what it was.

Honda had a saying years ago that said, “Stupid Hurts!” I concur. But my life is proof that I do not live in that state very much. I have Loved ones who are nothing but the BEST! Thank you all and THAN GOD!

In these days of closed churches and few in the pews, I am reminded of just how IMPORTANT it is to have people close to you who really care! That is the entire reason Jesus Christ established the Church and gave strict orders for it’s lifeline. ‘STAY CLOSE!’ I concur with His Words now more than ever.

People need people. And I am NOT talking about online over some computer screen. We were made for fellowship and unity. To bond and hold each other CLOSER than a brother. There are promises associated with keeping on that trail. Which is why I would like to take a dizzy moment to remind you that YOU need to be in Christ’s Church. As another old saying goes, “No one of us, have it all together, but all of us together have it all!” And THAT, my friends, is NO ACCIDENT!


I’m forwarding this devotional cause it’s a good one!…

Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land — against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 1:16-19

I remember that when I was a boy in high school, sixteen years old, I was arrested once — served a warrant because it was alleged, wrongly, it was proved, that I had been hunting out of season. I remember yet how fearsome it was to receive that warrant for my arrest, to open it up and read these words: The People of the State of Montana versus Ray C. Stedman. I thought, What unfair odds! The whole population of the state of Montana against me!

That is what this prophet Jeremiah had to face. All the people of the land, and its kings and priests, would all be against him. But God said, Don’t you worry, you shall stand. I’ll make you a stone, an iron, and a bronze against them. Nothing will shake you. And the amazing thing is that though this young man was thrown into prison, put in a dungeon where he was mired in the mud, put on a bread-and-water diet, though he was ostracized and isolated, set aside, rejected and insulted, and finally exiled into Egypt, never once when God asked him to speak did he ever fail to say the thing God told him to say. What remarkable courage this young man exhibited!

Yet, through all of it, he learned four things: He learned the sovereignty of God, his control over the nations of earth. He learned the ruthlessness of God, whose judgments would be unmerciful against his people who persisted in turning away from him. He learned the faithfulness of God always to fulfill his word, no matter what was said. Finally, he learned to suffer with the heart of God, the tenderness of God. This man suffered, he wept. He lost hope for a while and cried out, O that I had never been born! He felt the awful hurt of his people, and wept over them. But through it all he realized that he was but feeling the suffering of the heart of God over people who turn him aside, and the tenderness of God that draws them back at last, despite all their wandering.

Almighty God, how grateful I am that whatever I must face in this world, you will give me the grace I need to face it.

Life Application Do we want to merely know about God — or do we want to intimately know God? What was the process by which Jeremiah learned four essential elements of God’s character? How did this knowledge of God fortify Jeremiah to endure unremitting testing and hardship? 


Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant? Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on their God.” Isaiah 50:10

Today is SPECIAL and I have REASON to CELEBRATE! My oldest son, ‘the Golden Child,” as his siblings like to refer to him, has turned 40 years old! FORTY!!! Clint came into this world in spectacular fashion! I can say that now because at the time we had NO idea what to expect or how to react. He came…stuff happened…we were changed! Can you see where I am going with this?

There are NO words that can explain or convey the experience of birthing a child. You can read, listen and even watch videos…but until it HAPPENS to you PERSONALLY. You will remain ‘in the dark’ in the subject. But once that life is placed into your hands and enters your heart…you will NEVER be the same. EVER! And I haven’t been!

My son is a sea dog who holds a Captain’s License for any ship, of any size, on any ocean in the world! His exploits and achievements are multitudinous! I’m not bragging… just saying! The LAST ship he was assigned to, before being recently ‘furloughed,’ was a deep sea oil drilling ship that that required his flying in and out, twice a month, of a little town called Beirut, Lebanon!

Today, I awoke to a news story that a couple huge bombs just took out the port area of that town. To say I have REASON to Celebrate today REALLY means that I DO! I believe you can see why. We tried to call him this morning to sing Happy Birthday, a tradition with my wife and I…but Clint is on a tug boat pushing a barge, somewhere I don’t know, learning stuff to help him when begins his harbor pilot job. We left a message!

If you want to spend time sparring the theological doctrine of predestination and God’s will…what God causes and doesn’t…please… let me know.. but BE PREPARED. I have all the time in the world, just not the patience. I am NOT saying that it was ‘God’s Will’ or’ His Orchestration’ that Clint be furloughed so he not be killed in a foreign country. That would be FOOLISHLY INSENSITIVE! ESPECIALLY since SO many folks HAVE lost their sons that way! My point is BIGGER!

I once walked in the dark! I now BASK in Christ’s LIGHT! I am not now, what I once was. I am HIS and He is MINE! Like with my son, there was a point where ‘story’ changed to ‘reality,’ Christ came into my heart, and after that BIRTHDAY, I was CHANGED! I shall NEVER be the same. I rejoice that not only I…but my wife and ALL my kids have the same experience with ‘The Master of the Universe!’ So no matter WHAT stuff happens, I live to celebrate Jesus in my life!

What about YOU?


Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

When we ‘go to the cabin’ for vacation, it is to a remote location in the Allegheny mountains. There isn’t much there besides a whole lot of God’s Creation. That includes stores and restaurants! So as a treat last night, I took my wife out to Carrabba’s for dinner. It served to be MORE than a treat by the time we were done.

To start with, the place was somewhat like the place we had just left… not many people! So when our bubbly waitress met us, she was all smiles behind her Covid mask! She was sing-songy, animated and upbeat as she did the job she had had for 5 years. Had it not been for the low attendance and the masks, you’d never know there was a pandemic going gone. She was that good!

I have never been a waiter or server in a restaurant. My wife and kids have. Not me. But having spent most of my career in sales, I KNOW I would have made an excellent one! And while my girls may still cringe when I say that, I CAN say it because I KNOW the REAL difference between the 2 definitions.

Go ahead and look up waiter and server…I dare ya! What you will find is some ridiculous sexist garbage that pegs the gender of the worker versus a job description. But NEITHER are correct. Because a waiter/server is in the business of commissioned sales! Yet sadly, many who have the job don’t realize it! The worker is willing to bet that they can provide a good dining experience for a customer and receive non established compensation in excess of an hourly wage! Hence… the sales term!

Our sales gal had been at her job for 5 years! How did I know that? Because I ASKED her! In fact, my bride and I ASKED her a LOT of personal questions that opened even HER own eyes. And WHY? Because my wife and I a SERVERS! We SERVE The King of Kings which means we are called to serve His people! And we do!

At the end of our wonderful dining experience, our sales person was left with the Gospel, a homework assignment on ‘How to KNOW you are going to heaven’ and a tip 5 times the normal! WE were left with the joy of a great meal AND the opportunity to Serve her AND our Lord. You see…WE are GOOD at serving because we have made it our BUSINESS to be good at it!

So what flows from you? Are you a just a waiter for the King? Or are you one of His great SERVERS? The truth is… you already KNOW the answer! NOW… what are you gonna do about it?


Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” John 3:14

I recently got back from summer vacation, having flown to rest at our cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I love flying because it is SO much more convenient. Having flown for many years, I have learned a few things along the way.

There are only 3 essentials to Fly in an airplane. 1. A Destination. 2. The time necessary to make the reservation and 3. the money to pay for the trip! That’s it! Simple right? A place, a plan and the price! That said, I have learned that EVERYONE who gets ON a plane in 1 city, will get OFF TOGETHER in the next! Seating makes ZERO difference. That is…until it does!

I like to save money by flying an inexpensive carrier where I don’t PAY to pick my seat in advance. I prefer to take the one the airline offers to me for free. I don’t usually begrudge people who pay to sit in a particular seat. Except THIS time, when I landed with a prejudicial view that shall continue until I figure out the reasoning behind it. I no longer trust people who sit by a window, yet keep the shade down!

The airline NEVER gives me a free window seat. Those are reserved for PAYING customers. But this trip I noticed MOST of the window sitters never even peered out at the view!!! And as I sat in the mostly darkened plane, I wondered WHY someone who paid to have the opportunity to look out a God’s fascinating creation from a SPECTACULAR view… would not take it!

It should not surprise me though. That God exists is plain and foundational because God has MADE it plain (Romans 1:9). That said, all humans are born with the same 3 essentials for flight a landing. But there are only 2 destinations. Heaven or hell! We are born with the time needed to plan the trip. The price, according to our verse today, has already been PAID by God Himself! Which leads to a question.

You are sitting by a window seat with an opportunity to see God Himself. God has PLACED you there. All the answers are there simply begging for the questions to be asked! Are you sitting by with window with the shade drawn? If so… WHY??? Can somebody PLEASE tell me WHY!!!! Because it seems to be getting darker around here!

What do YOU see?