‘As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He (Abraham) is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.’ Romans 4:17
The silent monster was back! This newest invisible specter sudden arose from within to present me an offer I couldn’t refuse. It whispered, “Make me happy and I’ll go away!” I Have fought his kind MANY times, but THIS time I was too grumpy and didn’t feel like fighting. Honestly, it was quicker and easier to throw it a snack than go to battle. So I went and got the ice cream!
TRYING to watch sugar intake lately is NO fun. I never have had to before and figured it wouldn’t be a hard…IF I ever needed to. Now PLEASE don’t tell anyone this, but when I heard of people fighting to stick to a diet…I used to think, “wimps!” Now that I have stepped onto THEIR field, I see them as warriors!
Facing the facts I’ll admit it! I am HORRIBLE at STOPPING things that I have allowed to become habits. But getting older, I have a choice to at least TRY to keep this physical house in SOME semblance of order, or just “let ‘er burn to the ground!” So…there I slunked… cocky, arrogant and confident…figuring, “this’ll be a picnic!” So I was caught TOTALLY unprepared when this NEW monster showed up!
As I licked the spoon and bowl clean, I began to feel that old familiar OTHER monster that ISN’T new. HIS name is ‘Guilt!’ And I HATE him! Having set a goal, it was self evident that I was a loser… a failure! Guilt kept attacking (I HATE when he does that). But I remembered what I did the LAST time I faced him over a different matter. So I pulled THAT sword out, swung it and smiled! “Hmmmm…it works here too,” I thought.
I am a child of God by Faith in Christ Jesus! My God is a God “that calls things that are not, as though they WERE!” And right then and there, in FRONT of this new monster, He called me “SON! Victor! Perfect! Complete!” I believed Him! And IMMEDIATELY could feel the strong monster of desire loosing its grip!
Romans 8:37 says I am “MORE than a Conqueror through Christ who loves me.” In all my years of wearing this armor, I have NEVER been able to explain what that verse REALLY means! But I don’t have to. Because I’m wearing the armor! Take THAT Mr. Giant!
What giant are YOU fighting?