“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done…” Psalm 105:1-5
Visiting my daughter’s house, I had arrived in the middle of my son-in-law’s home workout. The heavy dumbbells were on the floor and I marveled that he could use that much weight! My grandson walked over to explain how dad did it, bent down and picked up the wedding ring lying beside the weights, rolled it around his hands…and then dropped it! My eyes rolled too…at the same time Charles said, “Hey bud…be careful with that ring!”
Katie and I got matching wedding rings over 43 years ago. They were white gold with enjoined circles engraved all around them. The circles have LONG since worn away from work and time…which is the reason Charles had taken his off during the workout. But now, my band isn’t worn for anyone else to see. Mine is there for ME… to REMEMBER!
I like to think of Psalm 105 like a wedding ring. A symbol of vows made to God by His people. These words MUST be important because they are in the Bible TWICE (see 1 Chr. 16:8-22). Like a wedding ring, they serve as reminders of vows made and promises kept by God. And while my ring can’t magically keep me out of trouble, my seeing and remembering can!
It is critical that Christ’s Church make specific effort to remember OUR relationship as well. Lately, as we have stood out on the corner of US. 41 with Gospel signs, AND as we prepare for our “National Day of Repentance Celebration” at Church (Sat from 10-2), we set aside times to REMEMBER what He has done and called us to! And… if we have gotten into trouble… to remember the way back home!
Our Nation is divided and Christ’s Church is wounded. Now is a perfect time to show up, stand out and REMEMBER whose we are and to remind our world of the Divine Pact we share with the Lord of the Universe. If things are going to change, it MUST be inside of us FIRST! Since we have made our vows and wear His Ring, it is high time we remember to “BE CAREFUL WITH THAT RING!”
I pray and hope to see you at the corner or at the church tomorrow!