
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.” Proverbs 6:16-19

Last evening I saw a body moving toward our church entrance and didn’t immediately recognize who it was. When he cleared the bushes, I saw Jimmy walking up to join us. Jimmy is one of our ‘snowbirds’ and the first to arrive this season. I was SOO glad to see him. I asked, “are you finding everything Chicagoans are saying about Florida true?” He answered, “Not a word!”

Yesterday morning, while standing on U.S. 41 with several Jesus guys and holding up Gospel signs of hope, a man gave me a dose of ‘haughty eyes’ AND the finger! I now know what that means because I looked it up! Haughty means ‘arrogantly superior and disdainful.’

Later last night we started watching the VP Debate on TV. Before the main delegates even took to the stage, I was fed up. I made it about 5 minutes, then got up and went to bed. This morning my wife told me I was grumpy! After taking inventory, I must confess that I am.

It has been said that opinions are like elbows…everybody has a couple. But I see a surge in something that is growing out of control. It seems there is a major attempt to perfect what I would call, ‘the beneficial lie.’ And it’s scary! It’s kind of like the picture here of Pinocchio, nose growing, but with a sheepish smile! He’s caught.. but there’s no guilt!

The Bible says that before Noah’s ark, ‘The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (Genesis 6:5). I can’t help but wonder if we are receding!

When a lie is perpetuated in order to gain benefit, it stirs up conflict. Worse, is when the hearer fails to verify what is said and joins in the perpetuating! In an American political debate, where “In God we Trust” is our slogan, it was sad that God’s name was not mentioned even once! A sure sign that, if this continues, Judgment will soon be on the way!

I’m think it’s time I spend measure my attitudes and actions against what GOD has to say about the, then ask HIM to help me make a transition. I don’t want to be grumpy! And it is clear, neither does God…or my wife!


Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Katie had asked if I would fix the outlet in her sewing room. So there I was, staring at the breaker box trying to figure out which ‘switch’ cut the power off to that particular ‘plug.’ About 25 years ago I paid a guy to put in a new circuit breaker box and I have never taken the time to individually ‘LABEL’ where each switch goes. So I had 2 choices!

#1 I’ve done it many times before…wire a switch or outlet with the power still on. Yup!!!! Just to see if I could do it. You know…like that old game ‘Operation!’ I’ve also gotten shocked a few times that way! Not feeling very adventurous, I opted for choice #2, which was to GUESS which breaker goes to THAT outlet! So I started flipping switches!

You’d think that after living in the same house for that long I’d have taken the time to label the switches! But seeing as how I don’t often do DO this kind of thing, I just never got around to it. Besides, the worst case scenario was having to reset a clock or 2. Which is no big deal to me. Flick, flick, flick, flick…flick, flick …GOT IT!

I remember, when I was younger, being prodded by Jesus to get to work serving others in His Body – The Church! There was a rather long list of ‘Spiritual Gifts’ outlined throughout the Bible and it was time for me to find mine. I knew enough that just PICKING one could get me burned…if I only GUESSED. So I started doing research and got to ‘flicking’ at a few!

Fortunately I discovered what He wanted me to do! But then came the work of learning and honing the gift to practical use. I’d like to say it was easy, but it wasn’t an ‘instant’ kind of thing. As I tried and applied, I got zapped a few times. But nothing serious. Just enough to know not to do THAT again. I’m STILL learning and honing.

To be a ‘Faithful Steward’ I must first become a ‘willing recipient!’ From there it was a matter of application and growth. But I can’t think of ANYTHING more fun than actually USING the gift that God gave me to bless and grow His House! Even after all the work and few zaps…it is WELL worth the effort to serve Him and His!

So…what is YOUR gift and what charges YOU up?!


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1-2

Have you ever had a vehicle repossessed? Me neither. So it was a new experience for me to be standing in the middle of a ‘Repo’ yard! Yup…there I was! Assisting someone who had that unfortunate experience, I began wandering around the property looking at the all the cars! Which experience now tells me…is a ‘BIG NO NO!’

Someone had asked if I would drive them to their car so they could retrieve their personal belongings. While waiting, I wandered. Which caught the attention of a couple employees. “HEY… WHAT-A-YA DOIN?” was the question each asked. And NOT in a courteous manner! How was I to know that, just by being there, I was ‘presumed’ to be a guilty, potential threat!?

At one point, another employee walked over and shut the barbed wire gate, blocking any exit. I thought that strange! Then I was told, “stand by your MY vehicle and do not walk around!” Using powers of deduction, I began to comprehend.

I was there to help. THEY thought I was there to steal back a car. I began to empathize, since at NO time in my life have I EVER had the urge to go walk around and look in a repo yard! Visitors to THEIR property ALWAYS pose a threat. To them I was guilty…simply because I was THERE!

It was an uncomfortable feeling! And for good reason. Being a representative of Almighty God for well over 50 years, considerable changes have been made in my character! I have been set free from the ‘GUILT’ label and now enjoy the FREEDOM of INNOCENCE, placed upon me by Almighty God. God knows it…I know it…but sometimes…others might not! And all because of WHERE I physically stand!

I Praise and Thank God that, carrying about a dirty soul and spirit, is NOT my common occurrence. It is a JOY to stand on HIS side of the fence and to be free from any charges the world, flesh or devil may level at me. It is ALSO one of the GREATEST reasons that, if YOU don’t know how that feels, you might want to consider His Son Jesus Christ and His offer of ‘No Condemnation!’   


If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:11

After preaching about our responsibility of being a ‘Good Steward’ for Jesus Christ, found in 2 parables in Luke 16, it was time for our resident ‘Benedictor’ to close the service. Vic, our resident attorney and fellow member, rose to the occasion and proceeded to throw out the term ‘Fiduciary’ at least a handful of times! I could sense the Holy Spirit saying, “Pay attention to that word!”

A Fiduciary is a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another, with strict care that ensures no conflict of interest arises between the fiduciary and his principle. A fiduciary obligation exists whenever the relationship with another involves a special trust, confidence, or reliance, upon the fiduciary, to exercise his discretion or expertise in acting or assisting the principle. Whew! That was a mouthful!

As members of the Body of Christ, we are designed and designated by Jesus Christ to special service and relationship to one another. He calls us to love, serve, encourage and support one another in a kind of fiduciary role that benefits both Christ AND His Principles…fellow Believers! The service provided is out of LOVE and CARE and is NOT for the purpose of financial gain for the fiduciary. I guess Pastors COULD be considered professional Fiduciaries!

The faith life of a fellow believer is a kind of trust! It may be varying in size and power, but by itself it doesn’t actually BELONG to the individual. It BELONGS to its author, Jesus Christ. That said, my faith is meant to be shared and involved with others. Our mutual responsibility is to take care of the Trust which Christ has given and to benefit our owner AND each other.

There are LOTS of commands that God gives in His Word about our responsibility toward one another. Unfortunately, there is a fleshy, selfish streak that tends to get in the way when someone comes to believe that THEIR faith and walk are their own exclusive property! It can become a VERY messy business when direction, instruction, help and care become perceived as interference, instead of a directive from God.

I thank God for His Church! When the service was finished I received news about a bill we received AND a political view expressed toward Christians in general. I was immediately angered and began to vent to a couple of people I ‘trust.’ They ’talked me down,’ with Jesus own words, in a gentle, yet forceful and loving way. The ‘preacher’ had become the student!

There is a saying I love that goes like this. “No one of us, has it all together…but all of us together.. have it all!” I LOVE that kind of security and mutual concern. And having been in some rather difficult times in life, I have learned to appreciate the encouraging words of a fellow Christian Fiduciary…and have learned to LISTEN!


“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” … Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” 1 Corinthians 1:10 NIV

Paul always expresses great concern about the possibility of a split in the church. In a similar passage in his letter to the Philippians he says, So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord, and of one mind, (Philippians 2:1-2 RSV). In writing to the church at Ephesus, he exhorted the elders there to be careful to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, (Ephesians 4:3 RSV).

Church unity is a very important matter. Paul puts it first in the list of problems he has to deal with here at Corinth. Many of the other problems were flowing out of this division within the congregation. Here in Verse 10 he briefly shows us the ground of unity, and the nature of unity in a church. The ground, of course, is the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I appeal to you, he says, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Their relationship to Christ was the unifying factor of the church. There is no other name big enough, great enough, glorious enough, and powerful enough to gather everybody together, despite the diversity of viewpoint and the differences of background or status in life, than the name of Jesus. That is why the apostle appeals to it. He recognizes that we share a common life if we have come to Christ; we are brothers and sisters because we have his life in us. He is the ground, always, of unity. And more than that, we have a responsibility to obey him, to follow his Lordship. Therefore, the only basis upon which you can get Christians to agree is by setting before them the Person of the Lord Jesus.

He describes the nature of unity this way, that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. That does not mean that everybody has to think alike. With all the differences among us, it is impossible to get people to think alike. The church is never called to having everybody think exactly alike. Yet the apostle says they are to be of united in mind. How can that be? The letter to the Philippians helps us here. Paul says, Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, (Philippians 2:5). He then goes on to describe for us the mind of Christ, which is a willingness to give up rights and personal privileges and give in and take a lower place. Then comes that great Christological passage where he describes how Christ, …though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:6-8 RSV)

That is the mind Paul is talking about. When everybody decides to put the things of Christ first, and is willing to suffer loss that the honor and glory of Christ might be advanced, that is what brings harmony in a congregation. That is always the unifying factor in a church, and that is the mind we should have, the mind that does not consider itself the most important thing.

Thank you, Father, for your word. Let it do its great work of cutting down and eliminating from my life the things in which I take pride and which separate me from others. Help me to judge these in the light of the cross, and to walk before you in unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Are we confusing equality with authentic unity in Christ? Do we need to re-think our personal responsibility for building walls of separation and disunity, choosing rather to be peacemakers?


“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.” Job 31:1

My wife and I were recently at a place with lots of people. Different people. Younger people. You know the place! The place where people dress up to stand out and show off. Out of the corner of my eye, and within my peripheral vision, I caught a glimpse of a potential perpetrator. Looking away, I knew I was safe. Then my wife asked, “did you SEE what SHE was wearing?” Thank the Lord I was able to smile and say, “No dear, I didn’t!”

At 1 point in my life I could not have said that. Transitioning from single to married requires changes. I’ve learned SO MUCH about change… the HARD way! Katie and I BOTH remember the time when we were engaged and my attention was drawn away from HER to a gal I didn’t even know. When I turned around, I realized I was ‘caught caught caught!’ Katie had been staring at me, as I was staring at that ‘someone else.’  The hurt in her eyes was palpable.

One of the greatest spiritual lessons I ever learned came from a movie character played by Clint Eastwood. ‘Dirty Harry’ had a saying, “a man’s GOT to know his limitations!” And oh how true that is. And if you think I am writing about looking at other women…you’d be very wrong!  We ALL have weaknesses and limitations. Some are particular to men, others to women. Young vs old, rich vs poor, there are many areas in a life where ‘limitations’ can make their home. As the years have gone by, I have learned from God that there are OTHER areas of my life where I was convicted to say, “”I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at ___________!”

One of the best ways to get rid of a dirty rat is to not let it in your house in the first place! It DOES take discipline and maintenance. But I have learned (and AM STILL learning) that the time spent THERE saves me from a LOT of time, pain and guilt spent trying to ‘CLEAN UP’ later down the road! Freedom FROM temptation is a LOT more fun than time spent living IN it. Whatever the ‘IT’ may be.

It is good to remember that wherever I go, there I am! But then.. so is HE! God sees and knows and watches what ‘I’ watch, and pays particular attention to ME at the things that I pay particular attention to! And so does satan! Whether I FALL into temptation or not is completely up to MY attention and focus. Whether it is a car, different clothes, a house, an attitude or WHATEVER, it is a good habit for me to remember the covenant of my eyes and heart! What is YOUR _____________________?


Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 & 26

It’s sad how quickly anticipation can turn into expectation and then into frustration! “It seems to be a cycle,” I thought, as I turned the faucet handle to the ‘on’ position and waited…with anticipation!

Our Church is on a well system for its water. When it works, there is no anticipation…only expectation. When water is needed, a valve is opened and voila!! Expectation is met. It’s all good until one of the many parts that MAKE the system work goes kaput!!! Then frustration isn’t far behind. Such was the case recently, as I found myself working beside a fellow Church member who is a genius at water systems. NEITHER of us was frustrated!

Having been around wells for a LONG time…pumps, pipes, valves, pressure gauges, wires and switches aren’t a mystery. The repair process turned out to be a great time of fellowship as we put our heads together, figured out which part had failed and then took steps toward repair. But that was Saturday! Yesterday was Tuesday, and I was standing there, valve open, AGAIN in hopeful anticipation!

I have discovered that SO much of my life follows that same cycle of frustrated expectation. I stole a quote from Jerry Reed when he said in a song, “he who expects nothin’…AIN’T gonna be deceived!” It helps…but only temporarily! Personal expectations, the world, marriage, family, work, church and even leisurely events can QUICKLY become frustrating at the failure of even the smallest part! I am most thankful I have found the PERFECT Technician.

Jesus is the Husband, or Head of The Church. I marvel at the various methods He uses to get things up and running when they are broken. Sometimes He uses a personal touch. Other times he uses people and committees. But no matter the problem, He can get broken systems up and running again…GUARANTEED! Do You know Him?

If you’ll excuse me, He just asked me to put my finger on a leak…for a minute!

P.S. If you watched the Presidential debate last night you may be frustrated. Let me assure you, God is not! Tonight at our Bible Study, we will talk about that!  


…you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God…” Romans 6:22

The other day Katie told me she had some trouble getting home from work. Apparently her car started to shake and make strange noises. So…she did what any woman would do. She stomped on the gas and managed to get it home where it now sets! I don’t understand the problem? When I went out to the garage to look, it looked the same to me, as it ever did! And still does! Stupid car!

Going to the car with the key, I inserted, turned it and the car started. It was running rough though, and right there on the dash were the lighted inconvenient words…”Check Engine Soon!’ Lifting the hood, I did just that… and it looked the same to me as it ever did! So I don’t understand! But I KNOW that what I HAVE, sitting in it’s own private little room I call the garage, is a 4000 lb. paper weight! This was NOT what I intended when I got it!  (I say ‘I’ because when it’s broken…it’s mine) 

Obviously, how a car looks has NOTHING to do with how it RUNS! And so it is when it comes to my life. Yesterday I was sitting in a doctor’s office as the nurse was asking me questions… “Age?” “65,” I replied. “WOW, you look GOOD for your age!” My confused thoughts went to my ‘paper weight’ like car!  “Then why am I sitting HERE!”

For the car to get fixed I have to get it to a car fixer! That means it either has to be driven, or towed! If I take the cheapest route, I’ll drive it there slowly and take all the back roads. The BIG and theoretical question then becomes one which can only be exercised through FAITH! “Will it MAKE it!” Now back to my life!

There are days I’d just as soon forget. Days when I feel like a loser, a sinner, undeserving and just plain bad about myself! It is that precise feeling which becomes the indicator of the state of my inner soul. At times it flashes unmercifully, “Check Engine Soon!” It is then…as the thought rises in me, “Stupid K.C.,” that my Savior comes to my rescue with today’s Bible verse…“you have been set free from sin.” “NO CONDEMNATION!”

So I have a duty today. Well…two! 1 is to get my car to my mechanic. The other is to get my soul to his mechanic! BOTH tasks involve a work on my part. And until I do MY part, both my car, AND my soul, will simply sit in their broken states, in their own little private rooms. And even though they may be ‘lookin good,’ until I exercise faith, they’ll stay in there…broken and weighty! 

I think that the DIFFERENCE between the car and me is this.  God has PROMISED that “I” am going to make it because… I BELONG to HIM!!  So today I am going to DO something about this weighty matter!  So…here I come, Lord!!!  And I’m stompin on the gas!!!        Beep beep!


Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” Matthew 18:7

I was listening to an ad on TV for Amazon claiming that if we don’t change the climate we are doomed within like…20 years! The speaker’s position with Amazon was some fancy name that ended with ‘engineer,’ and his motivation was to protect the planet for his child… ”doing everything I can!” Well, according to the one who actually OWNS the planet…not everything!”

Growing up in SW Pennsylvania, I remember towns, due to the smoke from the steel mills, where you could hardly see to drive. Creeks were turned into places to pour sewage and even sulfur from the coal mines! At one point, it became a joke when the river in Cleveland had caught fire due to all the trash floating on it! If there was EVER a time when it would seem that the earth’s goose was cooked…that was it! But not according to today’s doomsayers!

It seems to me that as man has gotten further and further away from God, he seems to fancy himself smarter than God as well! The scientific and political scene around the world has risen itself ABOVE God, displaced Him from His throne and then taken His seat! And the greatest tool of change is the scepter of FEAR!

Scaring everyone into believing there is a major crisis and that only YOU can fix is a GREAT method of control and power. And it is a popular tool, especially in an election year. Global warming, a pandemic, injustice, inequality and the radical individual rights are just a few of the hot buttons pushed to get people’s attention. But NONE are anywhere NEAR the TRUE fear we SHOULD experience!

God is the creator of EVERYTHING and HE owns it all! And even though we are ALL born KNOWING it…that fact becomes less convenient THEY are the one causing their own children to live in fear! God notices!

How arrogant to God must it seem, to think that humans can control the planet! How much longer will His patience extend when fear is used to distort His reality and when elected government officials arise to create a perception of a problem only THEY can solve! It is a game born in the pit of hell from the Father of Lies! And Judgment is coming!

There is only 1 answer and 1 place we can and should turn for peace and safety. His name is Jesus Christ and His ways are NOT difficult to understand. HE is the one who belongs on the Throne of our heart and our planet. One day He is coming to set things right. For now, He graciously awaits for us to turn to Him and ASK… BEFORE He does! Will you? Our children deserve to know that HE is The Truth!