
“…clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” Romans 13:14

“It’s JUST a COOKIE!” “But I LIKE fried chicken better!” “Hey! I’m eating VEGETABLES!” “But it’s DIET Coke.. and I ONLY have 1 a day!” Every one of those simple sentences are really not that simple. Because they are ARGUMENTS in a debate about how I’m SUPPOSED to eat! I just got an A+ on my prostate cancer exam. Then the war began!

In a war there are always 2 sides. The ‘bad’ guy can change, depending on who and how the issue is looked at. Diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago, I have been a reasonably good patient. But lately, I’ve been feeling celebratory and have been craving things like candy, beef, fried foods, soda and junk. All things BAD for me and cancer!

Looking back, I know satan is involved because the status of this altercation has become more like a ‘war’ than a ‘battle.’ It NEVER ENDS and is ALWAYS on my mind! The temptation gets so ridiculous, I find myself making the most RIDICULOUS arguments … ON SATAN’S BEHALF! “It’s only cancer and I’m not going to live forever anyway,” UGH!

I recently learned that satan is the former OWNER of my mind, and ALWAYS has access to plant ‘whatever’ into it. GOD… does NOT! To God, my mind is a holy sanctuary, the threshold of which He will NEVER cross… unless I invite Him. Who and what stays and plays in my brain is completely up to me. The World, flesh and devil are my enemies.

A few weeks ago I bought some peanut butter cookies for the church. I had 1… and LOVED it! Since then I have purchased 4 more packages ‘for the church.’ Last night, I couldn’t stop myself and ate 7! Then someone brought me a box of vanilla wafers! AHHHH! This is a very real war. Craving is satan’s incessant tool for wearing me down!

Lust is defined as ‘an overwhelming desire or craving… an intense eagerness or enthusiasm! Today’s Bible verse tells me to do 2 things, PUT on Jesus and THINK on Jesus. NOT COOKIES! The recipe is the same for ANY lust, be it sex, drugs, food, play, TV or ANYTHING trying to kill my walk with Christ. So excuse me while I go change my mind!

Temptation ain’t temporary! And it’s up to ME to focus on Jesus to make it go away.  What are YOU thinking about?


Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

Bun Bun is gone! My Grandson’s pet rabbit ‘Bun Bun’ has been returned to its owner in 100% excellent condition. We took it in for about a week, watched, babied and even spoiled it. We got to know its likes and dislikes, habits and even some of its personality flaws. After it got a taste of freedom, it HATED being penned. But it LOVED cauliflower!

I call ‘Bun Bun’ ‘IT’ now because we had been told ‘IT’ was a ‘SHE.’ Someone who is smarter about rabbits than us looked and said ‘she’ was a ‘he!’ When we set it outside, inside it’s fence, numerous wild rabbits would stop by to take a look. We thought they were saying ‘Hi Bun Bun!’ Maybe they were simply saying, “what the heck is this?”

Once, a wild rabbit stretched its neck between the fence to try to munch on a radish. When Bun Bun left, I took a big chunk of cauliflower and set it in the path of the ‘wild ones,’ expecting they would appreciate the treat! It’s been there for days… untouched! The ‘wild one’s’ simply pass it by. Which could be a perfect metaphor for today’s verse.

Because I belong to God, I have a refuge in which to abide. Sometimes I get a little persnickety, and even cranky, as I look at the world through a seemingly hindering lens of captivity… “but look at how much fun the world seems to be having! Why can’t ‘I’ do that?” Then I hear a news story about, or talk to someone in bondage to, the world.

Unlike ‘wild ones,’ I have food and care that they do not know of. Sometimes, even ‘I’ can become unappreciative of my Savior. Then I look out and see SO much of what the world doesn’t… in the love, grace and abundant provision my Savior has provided lil ol ME! It is then that I turn from looking through the fence and draw closer to Jesus.

There’s an old hymn called ‘Count your Many Blessings,’ that encourages me to ‘name them one by one.’ As I securely look out into this insane world, while munching on some cauliflower, I am grateful for all the blessings I have within the refuge of His mighty hands. Are you? What specifically are YOU thankful for today? Have you told Him?

Why not tell someone outside, about your wonderful experience of Living INSIDE with Jesus?


He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15

“You Blew It,” was all he said. “Huh?” was my immediate thought. “How?” I asked… trying to be coy while trying to pull off a look of ignorance. Then huffing, I capitulated, lowered my head in shame, and admitted the truth. I mean what else can I do when the guy talking to me was the Lord of the Universe… who already KNOWS everything!

Having just cooked dinner, Katie and I sat down to eat when the doorbell rang. Katie asked, “Who could THAT be?” “Probably just a salesman,” was my reply. Answering the door while chewing, a scruffily dressed young lad said “Good evening sir!” I quickly interrupted him with, “Whataya sellin?’ His, “I’m not selling anything,” really upset me.

Having made a good living in sales most of my life, my report card was filling up fast with poor grades of comparison. He was a mess, he lied, then he tried to cover up the lie. When I called him on it, he insulted me by pointing and saying, “I noticed your door.” My thought was, “what’s wrong with my door?” So I told him, “I’ve got a guy!”

When I told Katie about the conversation she said, “you KNOW it’s bad out there when people start knocking on doors.” Then Jesus stepped in with His BIG RED ‘F’! I’d had EVERY legitimate excuse at my fingertips. It was late, it was dinnertime, I was eating. Besides, I didn’t ASK for door advice. I could feel Jesus’ disappointment. I’d blown it!

About 30 minutes later I thought, “you could drive around the neighborhood to try to find him and hand him a $20 bill! You know.. apologize and try to redeem yourself. I was being humanly stupid. The point was… someone came to MY door and ‘I’ hadn’t taken the time to do what my Savior had commanded me and share His Good News!

So why am I writing this? Well, I am a professional Good News sharer. It’s my duty to do it and to teach and encourage others to do the same thing. So I’m licking my wounds, reminding myself to be more alert, asking for another opportunity SOON, and reminding YOU to do the same. Because if Jesus is YOUR Savior, today’s verse is for you!

Are you ready and prepared? Cuz a ‘knock knock’ is coming.


“Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, LORD you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:11-12

This morning, the ‘click, click, click’ of Katie’s feet have a slightly different sound to them than normal. For the last couple weeks she has poured herself into preparation for today’s first day of school. Pictures of our grandchildren, all dressed for Day 1 this new school year, have been coming across my phone. They’ve grown bigger in many ways!

In the digital age, it’s difficult or impossible to go back and find “First Day of School’ pics of when our kids were little. Hard drive crashes without backup of those days sent old pictures into the unknown. On the surface that may sound sad. But I don’t need pictures to see how far they have come. I have the real people! And they’re AMAZING!

Celebrating the passing of time in ‘firsts’ is human. As a parent, I like to know how my kids are doing, hear what their stories are, and pray, hope and encourage them to keep growing up in the right direction. Increasingly… more toward Jesus. With the world bending towards evil, it is even more important to prepare and point out His Word.

As an adult, I have no picture of my first day back to anything. Every day pretty much looks the same to me. Now, I don’t need pictures as much as I need reminders that I’ve already passed from ‘Boot Camp’ to ‘Battle.’ Which means I start everyday with ‘First things First.’ Bible in hand, I realize the enemy wants me dead… or out of the way!

I have dedicated this new day, as I usually do, to learning how to battle better. Living as an adult in this world is tough enough. Doing so as God’s representative in the Battle for the Ages is a serious ‘Call of Duty!’ And it comes to every representative of Jesus Christ’s Church in this evil world we call today. NOT child’s play, life is serious business!

So how are YOU doing in your growing and learning God’s ways? Are you dedicated to becoming and acting the warrior Jesus has called you to be? Are you doing and learning your lessons well? Are you looking forward to applying what you’ve learned in Home-Work? Because our ‘Rabbi’ is a hard taskmaster with very high expectations.

Up and comers, new babies and God’s children are counting on you. Are you a part of God’s Shield for them? Are you favored by The Master?


Therefore prepare your minds for action. Be sober-minded. Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:13 (Berean Standard Bible)

Today is the first day of School for Katie. It’s the day parents come to school WITH their kids to ‘Meet the Teachers’… and vice versa. She’s excited! For the last week especially, she has been getting prepared to make a good impression on everyone. Me? I’d been watching and waiting to see if she needed my help, and then made her coffee.

On the way out the door she reminded me that today is gym day. Four years ago we were told that, at our age, if we didn’t start working out, our kids would be pushing us around in wheelchairs and spoon feeding us. That was enough to sell us on the gym idea. We’ve been going ever since. Today’s verse is similar in tone, but brainy!

With a local county election coming up on August 20th, and a national one for President on November 5th, the news has been pushing propaganda. It’s all meant to sway people to DO something. With so much at risk, I have been amazed at the number of people who really aren’t sure what they should do! To ALL of us, God says… PAY ATTENTION!

It was God who started the whole ball rolling long ago with Adam and Eve. He gave explicit instructions of what He expected from His creation, then stepped back. All it took was outside influence to tempt them away from doing His will, to doing their own. In a world of turmoil and chaos, humans still don’t seem to comprehend reality!

1 Peter is a teaching chapter that sounds like a Teacher loudly clapping hands to get attention! ‘The End’ is in sight, Jesus will return, and the choices to sit back, be lazy and do our own things (or His) will be rewarded accordingly. Trouble, suffering and grief are simply markers God uses to check our position on the journey. Rewards are pending!

So how is YOUR journey, education and position going? Are you paying attention to Rabbi Jesus and doing what He expects from you? Because the Class Bell is about to ring! Are you focusing on Jesus and your relationship, or sitting on the couch?


The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.” Psalm 143:3-6

Our Grandson got this bunny. Named him ‘Bun Bun.’ Reasonable I guess. But they were going out of town for a week and didn’t know what to do with ‘Bun Bun.’ I’m still not sure if the threat to let ‘Bun Bun’ go into the wild was a setup, but the next thing I knew, we were lugging house, cage, food and ‘Bun Bun’ to stay with us for a while!

How do I say it other than, ‘things are different now!’ It’s been Katie and I in this house, alone, for over 2 decades. We didn’t have to think about where we stepped, or provide food or care to anything other than ourselves. Long ago, kids had pet dogs, but we are remembering the routine of closing doors so ‘Bun Bun’ can’t get out! Interesting!

Since Duncan kept it outside, we did too. That is until Hurricane Debby flooded outside. Then Katie, moved by pity, moved her. Lightning, thunder, darkness and anthropomorphism (attributing human attributes to animals) forced Katie to bring ‘Bun Bun’ into the garage. Caring got serious when cuteness moved her inside the house!

I’m not a big pet guy. In reality, the Bible looks at animals as tomatoes with fur. There are no instructions or commands from God on pets. A complaint is that too many people treat pets better than people. God doesn’t like that. Accepting ‘Bun Bun’ came with a level of responsibility. Duncan is our Grandson and ‘Bun Bun’ is his. We love Duncan.

So we have a rabbit for less than a week. Though just a playful, temporary assignment, I’m reminded that life… isn’t! I have a responsibility to my Creator and Provider, as He does with me. I expect nothing out of ‘Bun Bun.’ But in this dark stormy world, where an enemy pursues, God HAS expectations from me. They are not temporary or trivial.

Today’s verses remind me that the enemy is relentless. I need to recognize that. Sitting in a cage, safe and sound, protected and secure is NOT God’s method of care. This is battle! And God expects me to pay attention. My response to God is to remember, meditate, consider, praise and thirst for  Him who made me to be His… forever!

Are YOU thirsty for God?  


“The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Master, Master, we’re going to drown!’ He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. ‘Where is your faith?’ he asked his disciples.” Luke 8:24-25

I’ve seen many storms in my life! That’s not a complaint, just a fact! Some storms come with rain and floods. Some with distress and sorrow. I’m learning that trying to presume what a storm will bring can be deceptive! 2 nights ago… heavy rains came, the power went out, and the wind howled. I hadn’t expected ANYTHING like what we got!

The time I begin to consider storm preparation is when I hear the word ‘category’ before the word ‘hurricane.’ if it isn’t a category 3, I give it no mind. ‘Tropical Storm’ sounds to me like the first day of kindergarten. “Pshaw!” I muttered, and did NOTHING different. Yesterday morning I awoke, still had no power, and my street was flooded!

It was an opportunity to find out what I am in the habit of doing. Though it was daytime, it was dark in the house. Every time I entered a room I hit the light switch. Silly me! I started to make coffee, but realized there was no power. Opening the refrigerator, there was no light to see. I then dug out a flashlight and the generator.

Coffee in hand, I picked up my Bible to do what I normally do, which was to read His Word and relax with my Savior. Today, the sun is shining and the high water is gone, almost as if nothing had happened! Looking up ‘Storm’ in my concordance, I found this and Psalm 107. Did you know God sometimes SENDS storms to get our attention?

What has God been trying to tell YOU lately? Have you been observant?  Or inattentive? You may want to read Psalm 107. God appears to be in the habit of using storms to get attention. Just look at Job 38:1! So… where is YOUR faith? And are you giving Him thanks in everything?


You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Matthew 12:34

“Watch out!! Rattlesnakes are EVERYWHERE!” It’s a common saying when we hit the mountains. The truth is, rattlesnakes can’t be EVERYWHERE… or there would be nothing else but! But knowing that they COULD be ANYwhere is the only real way to WALK everywhere. It is always wise to walk cautiously and with discerning wisdom.

I appreciate a good rattlesnake. I’ve the mind that as a potential killer, he has a rather kind streak running along that tubular body. That it rattles at all provides warning that I am getting too close. Most of the time, the rattlesnake sees ME before I see him. His rattle alerts me to stop and back off… like it doesn’t WANT to bite me.

For some people, the sound of a rattler draws them in. Instead of moving away, some folks will move in for a closer look! Others even wear special clothes and carry tools in order to CATCH them. To them, facing danger and confronting it to capture or control it provides a thrill! Having been bitten by dangerous things before. I prefer to back off.

It isn’t hard to see that evil, like a rattlesnake, is a very dangerous thing to play with. Jesus goes on to say that good people store up good things INSIDE them, and spread that good around. Evil people spread evil… mostly through their words. I have found what comes out of my mouth, is usually what is in my heart! I want a good heart!

Jesus supply’s a rattle of His own at the end of today’s verse by declaring that when this life is over, I will be judged based upon what comes out of my heart and mouth. His is a kind warning of possible danger, if I do not answer His call to join Him in speaking His words to the world. Are YOU rattling for Jesus? Or are you too ‘worldly’ curious?


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Wanting to sleep, I couldn’t. It seemed a dozen thoughts rolled randomly through my brain, with no rhyme or reason for any of them. So I got up, deciding to read my Bible to calm myself down. A question came to mind and I googled a Bible commentary through my phone. Up came a distracting news article about the latest political poll!

It only took a suggestion, but soon I was led to an ad that promised better fishing results! Needless to say, it doesn’t take much for my mind to unfocus off… of what I want to focus on. I’ve found intentionally good thoughts can be easily swayed or diverted from the serious, to the ridiculous and wasteful or even perverse! AHHHHH!

I remember an ad campaign back in 1972 that stated “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Yet here I am doing just that! I’d been feeling bad about my wandering thought life and ran across a book that proved satan the former owner of my mind… since it was his before I willingly offered it to God. But that offer was not a one and done deal!

Today’s verse, along with many others, highlights the importance of determining, and keeping, our thoughts on Godly things. While I have been redeemed, my mind is proof that I am not out of the woods yet! God wants my thoughts as satan manipulates my thoughts, and often, I am not even thoughtful about the battle that NEVER EVER stops!

This verse is one of Katie’s favorites because it helps to push the mind in a forward, Godly way of thinking. When I find myself drawn away or enticed to think about things wasteful or evil, this verse gives me the needed focus to set my mind on ‘Jesus’ first! I realize it is up to ME to take my thoughts captive for Him (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).