
In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” John 5:17

“I just LOVE your SON!” If I heard it once I heard it over a dozen times. And it wasn’t about just ONE of my sons. Both were mentioned by people I didn’t even know. It was an annual maritime shindig, and because I’m dad, I got invited. It is ALWAYS fun to go and meet people who work with and know my offspring. I feel like royalty… because I AM!

Growing up a Preacher’s kid is kind of a tough gig. Expectations ya know!? I was always either living up to them, or falling far from them. But they were ALWAYS THERE. It came with the genes. I didn’t ask for, or volunteer for it. But dad did. And his boss was always Jesus. He made that perfectly clear. Living under HIS roof, his expectations of me were the same.

I guess it just rubbed off. I was tough on my kids as they grew up. Having been continually reminded of my special relationship with God and HIS Son, I was always looked at like my attitude and actions should mimic Theirs. It just kind of became the main goal in every situation. So it wasn’t a surprise to hear that my offspring were great examples as leaders.

The goal was always to encourage my kids to grow up to be better than me. That’s how my dad saw it too. I expect MY kids will continue to hold that very tough measuring tape for my grand-kids. It’s just how it’s done. Not because of who ‘I’ am.. but because of ‘WHOSE’ I am. I am not Ken’s kid. I am GOD’S Prince! And the world is supposed to see that naturally.

Who do YOU represent and how do others see you? Are YOU working with the Father to become like His child?? The crown can get pretty painful at times. That’s the nature of Thorns.

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