
We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ.” Galatians 2:15-16a

Signs are meant to get attention… to sell something… to satisfy a need or desire. The sign at the fast food restaurant said, “try our strawberry pie!” For some reason it triggered a memory of their apple pie I used to enjoy. In my head I was eating one. So I turned into the drive thru and ordered an apple pie. The place was busy, but with every inch, I anticipated.

It took about ten minutes to get to the pickup line, but when I got there, the lady inside the building spoke in broken English, “we no have apple pie!” My reply was direct and to the point… “HUH? Why didn’t you tell me that when I ordered one?” Yes, I was upset. I had built up expectation and anticipation that was not going to be achieved. She didn’t understand!

Jerry Reed said it in a song long ago. “He who expects nothin’, ain’t gonna be deceived!” But what would Earth be like if I didn’t know and have the expectation of Jesus and Heaven? In talking to some people this week, I was again surprised at the lack of expectations for life after death. When I asked them what they thought happened after death, they had no idea!

Maybe I need a better sign! Or a bolder move? I KNOW what will happen when I die. I will go to Heaven to see Jesus. That expectation met will only be followed by a greater and glorious life than I have here. With THAT kind of knowledge, maybe I can help improve people’s expectations of a better life here… AND there. What expectations are YOU living with?

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