“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:16
It’s another 3:16 verse. One I was reminded of because of the time of year. Last night at bedtime, the house was warm. Too warm for sleeping. So I turned on the air conditioner. This morning when we woke up, the temperature in the house was 4 degrees colder than the setting from last night. I turned on the heat! Are we spoiled?
It’s just that time of year. Day times can get warm, then plummet at night. Not knowing has us preparing with extra blankets if needed. Having experience with heating a house with coal or wood, I know what it’s like to have to get up and out in the cold to make heat. It’s not fun! So I’m grateful for modern AC systems.
But temperature fluctuations are not the only place where hot and cold collide. It can also happen with attitudes toward people, places and things. What fires ME up, might cool your jets! Which is typically ok. Unless we’re talking about our relationship with God and His people! Today’s verse is not a subtle hint from my Savior. It’s a burner!
Is it possible to be a Believer in Jesus Christ… but not on FIRE for Jesus Christ? Today’s verse shows that a whole BODY of people had lost touch with Jesus’ purpose for their lives. Neither fired up for Him, nor chilled at His directives, they just passed on through life not giving Jesus a thought or concern. Jesus’ reaction was NOT subtle.
So how about YOU? Are YOU fired up for Jesus? How and where does that show? How would your family, friends and associates describe your walk with Jesus? If you appear to be hiding under a blanket of apathy, covering up your faith and relationship with Him, you MAY want to heed Jesus warning of how HE feels about your not feeling!
Why not get into the Word and get FIRED UP for Jesus!?