
…now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires… make every effort to add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge…” 1 Peter 1:4-5

Looking at our Lemon Tree… it appears to be working! About 2 weeks ago I saw that the leaves had turned a dull light green. Knowing that spring is the time for blossoms, I thought I’d do a little ‘adding’ to it to see if that might make lemon production a more sure thing. Scattering some citrus fertilizer to its base, all I could do was wait. Now look at it!

I am not very good at growing things. It’s cheaper for me to simply buy tomatoes or lemons than to try to grow them myself. The costs for the plants, both in time and money, as well as for supplies, far exceeds any savings. But there is just something about having a lemon tree in the front yard that activates my motivation. This is our 3rd try at it in 35 years!

Looking at the lemon tree yesterday produced hope! The leaves at the top of the tree are still an ugly pale yellow/green, but the leaves at the bottom are greening up nicely. It appears that adding the fertilizer may have been the proper thing to do to make this tree look and become more healthy. Only time will tell. Advice from others will also!

Tomorrow is the first day of Lent… the 40 days before we celebrate Easter. Today is considered ‘Fat Tuesday’ in many places. A last time time for people to enjoy things such as fatty foods, sugar, alcohol and other items considered “decadent.” After today, folks can voluntarily give up their decadence to take on a more holy attitude toward growing in Christ.

The verse today explains that Christ has subtracted from us the corruption of our eternal lives by worldly passions. When I exchange lives with Christ, HE becomes my life and HIS righteousness becomes mine! The verse goes on to tell me what Christ expects after that exchange. I am to ADD to my life many other significant virtues offered through His Spirit.

God-likeness is not an accident! His Word tells me that when I cooperate with the guidance of His Word and Spirit, I can become more like Him in every way. The question is, what do ‘I’ want? What am ‘I’’ willing to add or subtract to get there? I have added a 40 day devotional to this email, a short daily help to grow you in the special Lenten time. I pray you enjoy it.

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