
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

There was an invisible boundary between us. I knew it… she didn’t. For her to recognize it, I would have to point it out! Doing so could cause discomfort in the conversion and force the smiling lady in front of me to make a decision to unsmile. Because I regularly see her at a mutual location, pointing it out could bring permanent discomfort. What to do?

I fished around for as delicate an intro to the subject that I could, and immediately disregarded, “So, will you burning in Hell forever?” Since EVERY person born on Earth is actually born headed in Hell’s direction, it was a legitimate question! But I saw no sense in destroying any possibility of witnessing for Christ by taking that approach. So I went in nice.

“Do you go to church anywhere?” became my opening line to try to access where she was on the Salvation Train. It still left a little room for judgment, but was safe enough to breach the subject and get it started. “Well, I have an unorthodox approach to religion,” was her statement back to me. “My dad is Catholic and my mom is a Muslim!”

It would be nice, had the conversation led to a conversion for Jesus. But it didn’t. There was no time. But I knew that our paths would cross again. So I gave her ‘The Verse!’ The one that Jesus uses of Himself with the article ‘The!’ Because ‘a’ leaves choices that Jesus never intended. ‘THE’ is definitive. ‘THE’ leaves no choices. Then I asked her what SHE thought.

The invisible boundary had been crossed, leaving room for further discussion. But now she knew where I stood. I prayed that the Holy Spirit would lob that “THE” statement around in her mind until we crossed paths again, and I could carry on a Jesus conversation.

Do YOU look for ways to bring Jesus up in conversation? Who has He put in front of YOU that He would like you to share His Good News?

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