
 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19

It started off with a setback! My grandson Cash had invited me to go fishing, and while I was finishing up some errands, he said he’d go get bait. I’d planned to meet him in about an hour. When I got there, he said His cast net had been ripped and he didn’t have that many bait fish… but we went anyway. Once to his spot, the fishing began. But nothing happened!

I used to fish a lot more when I was younger. I had a great dock that friends would let me use. But they sold the place and I was banned. Now, I go where invited. Unknown places, along with the sporadic nature of fishing, tend to yield low results. It takes a little more salesmanship to get up the ‘go.’ This time, I got to asking myself why I felt that way?

Cash and I moved around to different spots, ran out of bait, then I said, “how about we go to the fishing store and get you a new net? He liked that idea. Soon, we found ourselves back out on the water at a different spot, and we were catching fish… KINDA! The bait’s gods must have been praying real hard because we weren’t catching any keepers… only junk fish!

It was a magical moment out by the water. The temperature was perfect, the sunset beautiful, low bugs, junk fish were biting… and I was with my Grandson making memories! It didn’t take long to drop the idea of catching a big, edible fish to appreciate our time well spent. Having to clean and cook the fish disappeared when we went to Wendy’s!

This experience made me stop to think… “What do I do, because I belong to Jesus. And WHY do I do it?” Today, Katie sent me a devotional that was perfect timing. After just having learned that I often do things because I ‘OTTA,’ there’s a very big benefit ino taking time to figure, and change to do things, because I “WANNA!” I have referenced the story below.

Why do YOU do the things you do? Would changing your purpose to joyfully serve help? Or do result expectations get in the way? Think about it. Cuz I am! Happy day to you!

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