
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3

“WOW! THIS IS COOL!” I said to my son Clint the Harbor Pilot. We were in the pilot boat and got diverted to pick up another pilot before returning to the station. It is one thing to HEAR about the process of how ships get piloted in and out of Tampa bay. It’s another to actually SEE it. There I was… a visitor, only because of the relationship I had as Father to my son.

For several miles, we had been 2 ships following each other carefully! One big, one small. We pulled up close to the outbound ship, which was traveling about 15 mph, and when it was time, the pilot jumped from the big container ship to the pilot boat. His job was done. It felt a little strange being introduced to a fellow just added to the boat miles from shore!

I’ve had the opportunity to ‘fellow-ship; with some pretty amazing people under different kinds of circumstances. Last week, Dee and Ed were facing her difficult operation with anxiousness. Yesterday at Church, I was extremely blessed to be among Church members who had come to hear God’s Word and to ‘Fellow-ship’ together. It was an A+ experience.

This morning, Randy and Vicki were coupled together, as he was about to undergo some medical tests. With Vicki at His side, Katie and I, for a brief moment, had the chance to call and fellowship with them and pray. I was mesmerized again by the power of Fellowship, with Jesus Christ being the center of our focused attention. What a blessing He has given us.

The Church exists to pass on the Good News of Christ’s entering Fellowship WITH us. The more I read, and the older I get, the more I appreciate spending time and situations with God’s People. Where I may be weak, another will be strong… with Jesus providing the Strength. Tonight… the Ladies will get together! What a blessing Fellowship provides.

Please fellow pray for Randy and Dee and the rest of your Family at home and Church. We really are blessed to never have to face difficulties alone. How may we share with YOU?

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