“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23
Driving home from on US 41, traffic ‘slowed quickly!’ An oxymoronic statement! Looking ahead, I saw cars moving to the right, as a young man frantically ran down the median chasing and picking up large pieces of paper. Apparently hundreds of those papers had flown out of his car! He was doing the responsible thing by picking them up.
As I got closer to him, I could sense he was grieved with responsibility. Frantically running and trying to pick up the papers, I sensed he needed help. While everyone else drove around him, I pulled over to help. After about 10 minutes, when the job was done, I approached him with my collected pile. With no time to talk, I simply said, “God bless you.”
It was a decision that had to be made in seconds. He needed help, and I could either help him or ignore him. The nudge from God was ever so slight… but I felt it. Taking time to ponder would have resulted in missing an opportunity. His voice inside left me the decision to help, but also presented a lesson in obedience. Do I help because I want to… or have to?
Every new day comes with opportunities for me to serve God… or myself. What does HE want, and what will it cost ME, is a continual issue? Do I respond because I ‘want to’ out of a loving heart, or because I ‘have to’ out of demanded obedience? I’ve learned in my relationship with God, it is critical to do things out of the right spirit. Anything less doesn’t count!
Today’s verse makes this point clear. And while it may sound oxymoronic, to truly love and serve Jesus Christ correctly, I really I ‘have’ta wanna!’ Do you?