“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
O.K…. I was in a hurry. But I was so sure I could pull it off that I didn’t even consider what could happen. Thinning down some drywall compound with a drill and a mixing tool, I was inside the house. Something in the back of my head told me to do that outside. But I didn’t listen. With the drill on full power, I forgot that the variable speed button was broken!
Everything was nearing the end and I began to pull it out of the mix SLOWLY. But the drill HAD no slow. It was running fast! Lifting it up out of the top of the bucket, my jeans, and the walls, got a bath of splatter. Now, added to a simple task, was the additional job of cleaning up the mess! Being in a hurry had come with a price… again.
‘I want patience… and I want it right now!’ That is a theme of my life. When things are going wrong or I find myself in a valley, I want to hurry and get out as fast as possible. I keep forgetting that God uses the failures and trials of my life to build my character and dependence on HIM. Time too often feels more of an obstacle than a tool.
God and Jesus are at work. And the one thing I have learned the hard way is that they are rarely in a rush. It is HIS goal and will for my life that I must yield to. Hurrying and stirring things up only makes life a mess. When I yield and slow down, I can see His beauty and purpose in my life. Are YOU going through something too fast too? You can rest in His care!