“‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.'” John 4:34
Having barely started the morning, I received a call from my son to invite me fishing. When not driving ships, Clint likes to fish. So with the invitation to join him, I quickly agreed. It had been about a month since we went. The last time, all we caught was sea trout. I noted everyone in the boat threw them back! It’s been YEARS since I’d eaten ANYTHING caught!
When we started fishing, it was in hopes of catching Redfish. The fist tug of the line was hopeful, but yielded nothing more than a big fat trout, which I promptly threw back! But something kept nagging me in the back of my mind. When the second trout hit, I decided I was going to keep it and fry it up. It was then I started having a ball… and caught several.
Fresh fish is good. And since I caught them yesterday, last night was the time to fry them up. The back of my mind told me they were really good, but recent experience said, ‘probably not.’ Frying them up gave me some pretty good anticipation, because they looked pretty in the pan. Pan to plate, plate to mouth and all I could say was… “MMMMMM!”
The FIRST person I notified with that word was Clint. He had the same experience I had. None of HIS fishing pals had kept them, so he didn’t either. My experience gave testimony to him, and now the next time we go, he’ll be keeping some too! Just like Jesus’ experience! Jesus food was to do the will and work of His Father… because that’s what sustained Him.
I find the ‘Will’ and the ‘Work’ of the Father listed in John chapter 6. I’ll let you go fish for it yourself. But it’s good! The way I KNOW that it is, is the same way I rediscovered the flavor of sea trout. I tried it! Have YOU tried a tasty sample of God’s ‘Will’ and ‘Work?’ What are you waiting for? You will be surprised at how tasty His food really is!