“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
“THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!” was all I could say! I can’t tell you to whom I said it. And I can’t tell you why. To do so might cause complications for their act of kindness. And that could be a problem. I have learned the statement is true, ‘No good deed goes unpunished!’ But I was blown away by the kindness of someone who didn’t HAVE to do what she did!
Her kindness, plus an added fluke along the way, caused the professional blessing she was giving me to expand into even more time and effort. And I knew it. Embarrassed, I thanked her again, as we talked about Jesus. I smiled because MOST things done with and through Jesus, cost more than originally expected. That’s just like a rule with Him. But that’s OK.
‘The extra effort’ isn’t in any clause of Jesus’ verbal contract with me. It just IS. In thinking about it, I really can’t see any other way to determine if my action to love, help or serve… is truly out of selflessness and love for ‘The Master.’ Helping someone load a TV into a car takes me away from my own, causing me to show compassion, and have a conversation first!
But Jesus is watching. More so than Santa! Jesus REALLY DOES have a list, and He checks it, not just twice… but REGULARLY! I gladly received His sacrifice of death and New Life, and committed my nasty life to Him in return. It was the LEAST I could do. Now, He expects ME to lay down MY life… for HIM. I’m how HE reaches others! So either I serve Him… or I don’t!
Each day finds me with options that can be divided into only 2 categories. Do I live for myself, doing what ‘I’ want?’ Or do I do what ‘HE’ wants me to do. I must be sincere! Because He lives in my heart, He can see my motivations VERY clearly and cannot be fooled. What about YOU? Are YOU, right now… doing what Jesus is wanting and expecting from you? Honestly?
Dear Child of God… you MAY want to read today’s verse again… a few times!