“Therefore (you) put on the full armor of God, so that when (not if) the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13
“It’s OK! It’s OK!” Those were the words my granddaughter hollered out onto the basketball court to her sister (also my granddaughter), after she just missed a file shot in a brutal game that looked more like a wrestling match than basketball! I asked Bailey, “What do you mean it’s OK… SHE MISSED the goal!?” She responded, “I’m just trying to encourage her!”
Last night, on Monday night football, the LA Rams wore shirts and hats that read “LAFD.” the talk was all about the first responders and their heroism in fighting the apocalyptic fires in LA County. The backstory praised their effort to control the fire to limit the horrific loss. It was the NFL screaming out… “It’s OK! It’s OK!” My gut reaction was… ‘No, it’s not!’
We’ve all now heard the truth of the politics, waste, mismanagement and inaction that led to this catastrophic disaster. It’s far from over, but the spin of deflecting blame and responsibility is just getting started! I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of hearing spin. But what am ‘I’ supposed to do? Well, The Bible, today’s verse… is completely clear!
Please note the underline marks in the verse above. I put them there for me. If they help YOU… so much the better. They point out to me that Jesus is NOT going to tolerate my excuses, or swallow my spins on failure. Especially after He’d pointed out, and deliberately TOLD me what His expectations were from my life. Jesus doesn’t give out ‘nice try’ medals!
God is constantly trying to tell me something. Whether I listen and obey, or not, is MY choice. I’ve been around long enough to know that when God tells me what He wants, and I agree to do something about what He says, I WILL be held accountable for the results. Where do You stand on spin?
What is God trying to tell YOU… and are YOU doing what He says? When you see evil, failure, greed, spin and lies, should you keep quiet or point it out? What kind of difference might YOU make by standing up for Jesus to ‘The Spin?’