“Do your best (Study) to present yourself to God as one approved, a WORKer who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles (applies) the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
The parts are lying in a box… the box is beside the back door. It’s been there for about 2 weeks now. I have had every intention of ‘getting to it,’ but haven’t! The parts are for my swimming pool where there’s a valve that’s needed attention for a long time. Motivated about a month ago, I called the company’s name on the part and was totally shocked!
We’ve lived in this house for 36 years now, and the pool valve was here when I bought the place. It’s been working… kinda… but it leaks. The company rep told me, “that valve has a lifetime warranty.” My question back was, “who’s lifetime?” He said, “the valve’s.” So he sent me parts… FREE! They’re sitting by the back door. I’m not swimming now… so… why rush?
Priorities! The house and the pool are mine so, it’s really up to ME as to whether it gets fixed, and by whom and when… or not! But hey… I’m in no rush! The water’s cold and I’m not jumping in anytime soon so… no play… no work. Which is kind of the opposite of what today’s Bible verse has to say about my King’s thoughts on my priorities. He wants workers!
This has been the single most difficult part of my job as pastor. My mentor was my dad. And while I didn’t get started as a child, the process of reading and studying my Bible did finally kick in gear when life started to get rough at about 19 years old. I’ve been going ever since. Finding myself in a field of people in rough stuff, I try to pass on this most important lesson.
The King James says ‘STUDY’ to show yourself approved by God… a WORKMAN! It doesn’t say, “put off stuff and have fun like a Playboy!” Life indeed has problems. After all, this life is WAR! But the mentality and effort required to fight a war is different than just simply playing around and enjoying life! In fact, ‘enjoying life’ is not really God’s goal for me. It’s this verse!
I do not belong to me and do not have the right to set my own priorities, Since I traded lives with Jesus, I’m His… He’s mine. HE has the right to tell me what, when, and how to do EVERYTHING. LETTING Him is another matter. But that doesn’t change the rules. God wants me to focus, read, study and apply His Word to my life. Are you leakin’, playin’, or Workin’?