“…they have chosen their own ways and delighted in their abominations; so I also will choose harsh treatment for them and will bring on them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me.” Isaiah 66:3b-4
“Baby it’s cold outside,” isn’t just a song. Right now, in Florida, it’s gearing up for chilly future reality, and we’ve gotten a taste. The weather forecast calls for temperatures to drop to the 40’s around here, a ‘thing’ we Floridians do not appreciate! Thankfully, smart people before me invented ways to make the uncomfortable… comfortable!
Our living room holds a piece of furniture that looks nice all year round. It’s an electric, simulated fireplace that is there ‘for show!’ In summer, we can turn it on and choose from a variety of flames and simulations to make the room look cozy and comfy. When it gets cold, the press of a button produces electric heat to warm the room. AHHHH!
But a tricky situation arises when that button is pressed for heat. Katie and I have differing comfort levels that can change. Sometimes she gets too hot, other times I do. We each have to DECIDE what to do about our individual conditions. Adding or subtracting a blanket or sweater can help us accommodate each other’s likes.
Today’s verse takes us to the prophetic ‘end times’ where things get hot real fast! Jesus is very clear when it comes to sin, HE does NOT accommodate HIS likes… to OURS. His is 100% ‘MY way or the BYE-way.’ End time judgment will sweep away those who like doing things ‘their own evil way!’ And Jesus has control of the furnace!
Every day brings challenges, choices, opportunities and even temptations to do things that please Jesus and can make us comfy. But some things He can’t stand! MY choice is to either accommodate my ways to His… or suffer His displeasure or judgment. It is MY job to simply keep my fingers off ‘The Hot Button!’
Now what about YOU? Do YOUR choices ‘displease Jesus?’