“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” Isaiah 7:9b
Having to be at an appointment at 11:30am… 4.3 miles away, I realized I also needed to drop something off somewhere else after THIS appointment… 3.7 miles away. The time was 11:07am. Calculating…calculating… I ran to my truck and, and based upon my calculations, hastened to complete the circle. Then forgot the thing I needed to drop off! Do I turn around? And yes… I made it!
Most of us do this rush around every single day. Some folks, like me, tend to press the envelope more than others. But the fact remains. We ALL face situations where time, distance, obstacles and potential hazards lie in wait! We ALL make calculations and then execute a plan to accomplish something. And it is ALWAYS BY FAITH IN HOPE!
Over 700 years before Christ was born, an evil King was challenged by GOD to ask for a sign that GOD would protect and save His own people. King Ahaz played a fake humble attitude and refused to ask God. So God gave Ahaz His OWN sign. “A SAVIOR!” 2700 years later we are STILL celebrating the miracle of Emmanuel! Well…some of us anyway!
Living on Earth is DANGEROUS! If God were to take away oxygen we wouldn’t last 3 minutes! Car accidents may pale in comparison to death by virus or bacteria. Yet we get in our cars and drive head on toward people doing the same thing from the opposite direction…separated by a yellow line… less than 10 feet apart! Then we tell God what we cannot, or WILL NOT do!
The world is going crazy and it seems the news media are in competition to be ‘The Expert’ in the announcement of fear and mayhem! And the world is so riddled with contestants, you’d think the prize was world domination! Yet as crazy as that sounds, the saddest people are the ones who choose to believe the lies! The common denominator of both… is selfishness.
God and I have a deal. I let Him be God and He lets me see what only His Children can see. The tool is Faith! And as I see it, my Faith is either growing…or fading. Having seen SO much from God in the past, I EXPECT to see even more in the present and future. Being a Faith guy, I can verify that the Bible verse today is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! And exercising Faith in a VERY BIG GOD… isn’t so hard to swallow!
So… what are YOU standing on? Will YOU make it?