“After they had seen the Child, they spread the message they had received about Him. And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” Luke 2:17-18
At the store, purchasing some propane for an upcoming family gathering, I was in ‘The Christmas Spirit.’ The fellow waiting on me… didn’t seem to be. Knowing how my Boss likes me spreading The Good News, I was fishing for a line to start a conversation. I just knew a standard ‘Jesus’ one wouldn’t work. So I asked, “Ready for Christmas?”
The man quietly answered that he ‘still had some presents to wrap,’ but for the most part… he was. That answer didn’t even equal a nibble! Hoping to use the minutes we had left for some eternal purpose, I asked him if he knew how many wise men there were! He didn’t… and didn’t care. I tried at least 3 more ‘casts,’ but he got away!
The Greatest Story ever told is the one about the Messiah, the Savior of men, taking the form of a man and coming to Earth to rescue us from the evil spell cast by that ol serpent. When Eve fell for satan’s line, it sealed man’s fate for eternal Hell. What we needed was a rescuer! Jesus came! And for those who receive the free gift, It’s HUGE!
Sadly, far too many people have forgotten to keep the main thing… the main thing! Christmas is NOT about mandatory shopping, parties, decorating and holiday cheer! It’s about the Hero who provided rescue for ANY kid willing to go to the back of life’s Bus to escape it’s fiery fate! God came to rescue people… who want to be rescued! Do you?