“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:36
Christmas is coming! In fact, being almost HERE, we are running out of time! The date’s always the same, but there never seems to be enough time to do what needs to be done to PREPARE for it! Work, Church, duties, wants and even rest seem to compete for the remaining seconds until Christmas is here and we will be DONE!
For us, the ‘TIME’S UP’ is late afternoon on Christmas Eve. By then, all the decorations need to be put up and the house cleaned. Church family, folks and friends will be arriving around 7:30 on the 24th. After that, it’s just a matter of enjoying and appreciating people and things God has blessed us with. Until then.. we work!
But even after Christmas has been celebrated, and the decorations put away, there is another date that looms larger. Jesus lays that out in Matthew 24. After He talks about the destruction of the Temple (wait.. HUH?), Jesus then finishes that long chapter without interruption. He tells them about the END of TIME, with a warning!
I, like the disciples, would LOVE to know when ‘The End’ will come. At least then I could make some plans! I could put off some ‘NO FUN’ projects and throw in some FUN ones. Taking it easier would be easier if I had a time to measure with! But I have a feeling that is EXACTLY why Jesus went on to say that NO one knows.. except our Dad!
I have to face facts. This world is WAR. The battle between God and satan continues to dominate life. I made the choice on whose team I will fight for long ago and read His warrior guide… ‘The Bible.’ In it He tells me things I NEED to know and do, then leaves my ‘DOING THEM’ untimed… with an open ended ‘someday!’
Jesus came from Heaven to Earth with a military assignment. To ‘RESCUE’ His people. And to DEFEAT His enemies. Time and space are simply the battlefield He created to satisfy satan’s challenge to Him… AND to woo a Bride! I am His Bride (or other half)! So are you, if you have chosen Him as your Savior and Lord.
But the clock is ticking! Time is slipping away. Am I ‘READY?’ Do I look forward to His return with anticipated Joy? Or will I be surprised and shamed when I see my life through HIS eyes? THAT is the question I must ask every day. Because TIME is running out! Are YOU prepared?