“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11
The realization of ‘Two Noel’s’ came while watching a teaching video online. And it wasn’t even about Christmas. It was about the scientific evidence pointing to proof of God’s existence. The word ‘impossible’ came up, as evidence mounts to prove otherwise. I learned there are only 2 things IMPOSSIBLE with God. 2 NO ‘L’s
First, the Bible, God’s written Word about Himself, tells me that God CANNOT ‘L’IE! Because of that fact, and believe me I’ve tested Him out on this, EVERY WORD of God’s Word is 100% reliable… to me. When it says ‘I am a sinner’ unworthy of ‘Salvation’ is written on my heart, but ‘A Savior’ has been BORN to me. I rejoice!
The second ‘L’ came as a marvelous revelation and blessing. I’d just had ‘an incident,’ having several propensities toward sin that come out when my emotions get the better of me. Feeling guilty over ‘blowing it’ yet again, I smiled when I heard, God cannot ‘L’EARN anything. My sin was no surprise to Him, cuz He already knew!
Suddenly, 2 NO ‘L’s popped into my head… which, directed by the Holy Spirit, came in a perfect Season’s Greeting! Going online I looked up ‘NOEL,’ Only to discover that it is a French word that means ‘to be born.’ Looking at HUNDREDS of Images, ‘Joyeux Noel’ showed only ONE image of a manger scene with Jesus!
It appears the French have replaced the celebration of Christ’s Birth with a catchy phrase, much like many Americans have with ‘Happy Holidays!’ Which leaves God’s TWO magnificent promises of 2 NOEL’S… out of their reach! How sad! But knowing the 2 NO ‘L’s brings MY CHRISTmas even MORE Joy! How about YOU?
God does not even HAVE a ‘naughty list.’ YOU put yourself on that list when you refuse to ‘Believe’ and ‘Act’ by Faith in His Son Jesus Christ! Does YOUR life show evidence of 2 Noel’s… 2 births? Do YOU KNOW The Savior?