“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35
“I’m going to the store, would you like anything?” I asked. Katie then told me she needed something for the next day. Putting that into my memory bank, I headed off. Little did I know my jaunt would become a marriage lesson for a perfect stranger.
It was at the checkout line when the man at the register made the comment, “OOO my wife loves those.” I responded with, “I know, right? Mine too!! And they’re ON SALE!” “Oh! Now I’ll definitely have to tell her about them.” he said. Then I blurted out… “Dude! Don’t you love your wife?” He looked at me funny!
Knowing I’d already crossed over the line and into Jesus’ territory, I instructed him. “Here’s an idea… since you’re already here, why don’t you just go buy some for your wife, take them home and tell her, “When I saw these, I thought of you!” You might even want to add, “I love you” to cap off the surprise!” I saw the light go on!
I’ve said it for a long time, because I learned it a long time ago… “LOVE is not a feeling… it is an action!” If I truly love someone, I am going to look at them with special interest and see if there is anything I can do to help, encourage or show them by my ACTION! That’s the kind of love Jesus meant when He said the words.
The lesson is so simple it isn’t necessary to blab on a long time about it. The question this Christmas season is… are you acting in love toward those closest to you? And here’s one a step above… what about the others’ in the world Jesus is sending you to? GO SHOW THEM!