“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'” Mark 6:15
“GREAT JOB GUYS!” is what I said… even though 2 of the 5 guys were girls! It was the last JYC meeting before Christmas Vacation. JYC is a Christian Ministry our Church sponsors at the local Middle School where Jason, Amanda, Randy, Max, Vicki and I (and sometimes John) teach Bible lessons to about 15 kids!
Jason heads the ministry up, and he decided to have a Christmas Bible Quiz like we do at our church… then pass out gifts. When he was all done, there was still some time on the clock. He came over to me and whispered, “hey we’ve got 15 minutes if you have anything you want to add.” It took 30 seconds to respond.
Standing before all those Jr. Christian Knights, I asked them, “what is something you might say to a stranger to get them to talk about Jesus?” Every eye in the place stared back… blank! That’s how I knew it was ‘Jesus’ asking the question, and not me. Rewording the sentence a few times got nothing. So I suggested!
What if you were to ask, “where do you think you’ll go when you die?” Eyes began to light up, and other suggestions were made. Within 15 minutes, we had a bone fide, warrior, army of Evangelists… giving thought to how they could become evangelists for Jesus! Then I told them about the Command to “Go Tell!”
People do not usually think about dying during the day. But everybody dies. And unless they have already received Christ as Lord and Savior, people rarely give thought to Jesus Christ at all. It takes an outside force to create inner thought! And that outer force is SUPPOSED to be ‘Jesus’ saved people!’ ME!… and YOU!
So this Christmas season… will you join me, and the ‘Guys,’ in boldly asking strangers questions to get them thinking about the one for whom the Holiday Season is named? Jesus CHRIST! It’s on WE THE PEOPLE to do just that. So… why not ‘GO TELL!’ It’s YOUR TURN!