“…continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12-13
Work out! Two words that, when put together, cause me no joy. Yes, I go to the gym (usually 3 times a week) with my wife. But I don’t ‘LOOK FORWARD’ to the gym… EVER! Lately, due to a nasty sinus thing AND a busy schedule, we hadn’t gone in about 3 weeks. On Christmas Day, we were going by there anyway, so we decided to get back to it!
Having never been “work out ‘gym’” people, we noticed that our bodies were aching, even though we hadn’t DONE anything. It’s like our bodies were screaming to WORK OUT! We did, and as strange as it always sounded before, the lazy ache subsided and was replaced by a muscle ache that indicated some level of accomplishment! We actually felt… BETTER!
Yesterday had me running around with the McCay clan like the old days. My brother’s family was in town from around the world and about 40 of us got together. Someone said, why don’t we play a game of McCay football like we did growing up! Though I cringed… I played. And was glad to do so. Now… I ache. But it’s a GOOD ache!
Working out the Salvation of Christ in my own personal life means that I have to make the effort to take the initiative. I know the parts of my physical body that need improvement. Likewise, God’s Holy Spirit inside me points out the areas where I need special attention. He expects me to GIVE IT… just that! WITH ‘fear and trembling!’
The fear and trembling comes from love. I do not want to let my Lord down. Therefore, if He really IS Lord, I need to be nervous as to how He views my life and progress. I am nervous to let Him down. What happens at the gym, also happens in my spirit and soul. But I gotta show up first. Then, I’m to WORK! WILLINGLY! Do you fearfully do that?