“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
Hurricane Milton was a DOOZIE! Driving around town I still see the devastation, and clean up efforts that have been going on for over a month. Trees and 100+ MPH winds do not go well together. Sitting at a stop light, I studied the position of a HUGE Florida Oak tree as it lay on its side with roots exposed. It told a story.
The tree had been MASSIVE. Katie and I have a little thing between us when we see an Oak tree like the one I was considering. “What do you think about THAT one,” she’ll say. To which I’ll give a number from 1 to 10. If our numbers vary, we’ll explain and defend why we each chose that number. This tree LOOKED like a ‘10.’
I had been focusing on the huge limbs of the tree, my eyes searching from top to bottom. When I focused on the roots, the story became clear. The roots were only about a third of the size of the tree itself. Normally, a tree’s root’s underground will be as large or larger, as the tree’s branches above! It was no wonder it fell.
Today’s Bible verse isn’t rocket science. My Christian walk, though seen from the outside, is formed by the size and depth of my roots. As the windy trials of life blow, I will stand or fall based upon how well my roots have grown and adjusted from past storms. It is a never ending process. Growth is supposed to equal trial.
The goal of my life is to grow and bear fruit for Jesus Christ. That only happens as I read and obey His Word daily… digging in and growing up and outward. Jesus is not interested in a flowery, showy life that has no fruit. It is up to ME to make sure I give Him my attention and focus BEFORE the storms of life arrive.
So… what # are YOU? Are YOU an overflowing, thankful, fruit bearing tree for Jesus? Dig into His Word daily and grow up!