“Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.” 2 Peter 3:3
There’s a LOT of ‘em! Entertainers who supported Kamala Harris and the Democratic WOKE agenda. And they won’t shut up! This was brought to my attention by Katie, who became livid at the gym yesterday when the story broke on the news. Entertainers, news people and politicians are going crazy!
Their problem? They can’t figure out WHY they and their agenda lost the 2024 election! I read yesterday that Truth loves questions, but liars hate Truth! The Bible makes that clear. Now that the license to sin appears to be in danger, especially in the sex and gender category, those ‘Actors’ are again using their craft!
Katie wrote in her Journal, “Hey Hollywood! We don’t want your advice! You are ACTORS! We pay you to ENTERTAIN us – not enlighten. You became famous because you are good at your craft, be it movies, singing or sports. The King and his court never asked the jesters for advice. They only expected to be entertained by them. The same goes for celebrity sports. We have rejected your un-American attitudes, even in regards to our National Anthem. Now to play ball, sing or act!”
The Latin word ‘entertain’ means to ‘amuse’ or ‘hold someone’s attention for fun.’ Entertainment has no real value other than to take our minds off of the really serious stu,ff for a while. Today, sports players, actors and singers get paid a FORTUNE and are looked upon as idols and role models. Jesus say’s ‘NOT SO!’
The agenda of satan is to turn our attention from the Godly… to anything but. ‘Actors’ are upset that they may be labeled what they are… dark, empty, lust-filled slaves of depravity (2 Peter 2). Are YOU upset that your source of ‘entertainment’ is in question? Jesus holds the ultimate stage. Do you listen and focus on HIM?