“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” Timothy 3:16-17
“OOOOOO THAT’S A MESS!” The owner’s lawnmower had been smoking and wouldn’t start, so I bent down to take a look. Grabbing a spark plug wrench, I pulled out the plug to find it had been fouled with oil and was a complete mess! I found the air filter in even WORSE shape! Oil was plugging it up too. YUCK!
How could someone let a machine get into such bad shape? With no one else around, I was convicted because… it was MY lawnmower. I’ve had it for years after buying it brand new. Always reliable, it usually started on the first pull. When the self-propelled cable broke, I ordered a new one and discoveries were made!
I never liked mowing the lawn, but I’ve always liked the looks of the lawn mowed! Katie does too! So the less effort I put out in lawn work, the better it is for me… seemingly! But a lawnmower without proper maintenance, like any machine, will only become gunked up junk! I took the time to clean it all up and it runs great!
I am a living breathing human machine that is owned by Jesus Christ. Unlike a lawnmower, this machine has to be involved in every maintenance operation. My biggest responsibility is CO-operation! Jesus expects me to be involved with, and follow the owner’s manual, to keep my life sharp, fit and useful for His Kingdom.
My mission from Jesus is to become a well-oiled machine for Him and to follow whatever maintenance is called for in the underlined verbs above. Sometimes I don’t work well, and God has to reprove or rebuke me. He ALWAYS sends me to His Word to fine tune my life to meet HIS needs. Not my own. Are YOU in tune?