
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” 1 Corinthians 13:11

Putting things away is not a strong suit for me. Just ask my wife. Being a ‘Git-R-Dun” kinda guy, I tend to list out goals ahead of time, and once that project is done, move onto the next one. If there is something along the way to be done to put a dent into another project, I’ll do that too. Being a ‘doer’ is a good thing. USUALLY!

Jesus Commanded that I be a ‘DOER’ of the Word and not just a hearer only. Often my goals don’t take into account the duty of ‘putting childish things away.‘ I guess I could call it ‘getting UNPREPARED! After going through 2 hurricanes in less than 3 weeks, it’s time to put all the ‘preparedness stuff’ away! UGH!

The wood covering the windows, the generator, the lawn and patio furniture and plants. They all need to go back to the places where they were BEFORE danger came calling. And that goes along with CLEANUP from the mess the hurricanes left behind. Which also brings my life’s messes back into proper perspective.

Worry, anger, fear, concern, duty, care, and even love, are emotions that arise when life comes rudely crashing in. I have found the several of those traits have negative tines on their tools. Urgency can give anger or impatience a pass. But not for long. After the storm, it’s necessary to put everything BACK in it’s place.

Patience, time, love, care and duty STILL have a place. And that place is in the hands of Jesus. ‘HURRY UP AND GIT-R-Dun’ no longer holds the banner over my brain and body. I must put the childish forms of those emotions away and get back to focusing on my walk with Jesus… not my run from Debby and Milton. 

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