
Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Psalm 90:1-2

UGH! It is a word I have texted many times to many people these last few weeks. Not because I am in despair. More like I am feeling my age. Yesterday, as we drove by the church, we saw Jason and family over there, working away, cleaning up the Church property. Naturally… we joined in. Before we were done. I was!

Jason has a very cool forklift machine that picks up whole piles of tree debris and can carry it out to the front road. But first, the piles need to be formed! That’s where we came in. Picking up and throwing huge tree limbs into piles he could scoop up. We all felt older than we were. But together, it got done.

Psalm 90 came to mind when I awoke and just lay in bed at 4am… unable to fall to sleep. I’d been told before that when that happens, it’s a good time to read my Bible. Pslam 90 just kind of laid itself in a pile before… me to pick up and read. I’d just got started and found myself smiling inside and out, praising God for… God!

Most folks thing of David when reading a Psalm. But this one is attributed to Moses at some time AFTER Israel was exiled from Egypt. It takes a full view of life, including human frailty, divine wrath and a plea for His grace. It was summarized in a song in 1708 by Isaac Watts called, “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.” Heard it?

God has a GREAT BIG COOL Machine called The Church. It’s a Global Corporation. And with it He can and does move BIG things around the world. But He also uses it to move little things too. Like me. I smiled, and deep down praised God for Himself, Moses, Isaac and everything about this life… and the one to come. Then went back to bed and slept in. I pray that YOU will have a Jesus filled day!

Here’s the song

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