
“…fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience.” 1 Timothy 1:18-19

After a busy day working doing manual labor, we took the night to relax and watch a little football. The Tampa Bay Bucs were winning when we went to bed. When we awoke, they had lost! Tonight, Venice High School plays IMG… a school that specializes in professional sports candidates. Venice is undefeated this year!

When I asked some folks connected with the Venice Indians team what were the odds and expectations, I was told, “We’re gonna get killed!” It was a shock to hear, and I wondered if that attitude might have any kind of connection with reality. Since I’m going to the game, I’ll be a cheerleader for the team to WIN!

Paul was talking to Timothy about what it takes to ‘go fight and win’ in the battle of the Spirit. Paul had JUST given his own BIO 3 verses earlier, where he admitted that HE was actually the WORST of sinners… and therefore CHOSEN by Christ to display Christ’s ‘unlimited patience.’ WOW! The loser wins after all!

I struggle at times with me and my inner ‘worst of sinners’ attitude. I’ve often said that I could EASILY beat Paul out of that title… if Jesus would let me. But He doesn’t! It is hard to believe that God chooses the WORST to display His BEST! But the Bible, and my life and others declares that it is true! Sin attracts Jesus Grace.

So as I go out today, my attitude needs to be checked at the door. What am I going to believe about myself? How I feel… or what God SAYS? It is the first act in the fight of Faith that I need to take. The right CHOICE will determine my walk. Fellow sinner… what are YOU believing and how are YOU walking? 

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