
Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” Psalm 147:1

I was making something that called for ¼ cup of Heavy Whipping Cream. The only size available at the store was in a quart. I bought it anyway. I don’t use heavy whipping cream often. So it sat for a few days in the fridge, until I needed some half n Half for my bride’s coffee. Sitting beside that cream was a ½ gallon of milk!

Having just finished off the last of the Half n Half, I got to thinking… Half n Half WHAT? Then a flash from above hit my brain and, it seemed to me, that God appeared and conveyed… ”Don’t be a dummy!“ So I mixed up my own Half n Half… and it worked! It tasted just like real Half n Half! I was astonished!

It hit me that I can be a real master at mixing up, and using, half n half in a LOT of areas in my life. Surfing the Psalms I was guided through several that talked about Praising the Lord. Today’s verse was my favorite. I noted that it didn’t say WHAT to say when I’m doing it. But the Psalms explicitly tell me TO DO IT!

Mixing the world with God does not make half n half of ANYTHING! In fact, as I’ve been going through some enemy territory, I have found absolutely ZERO strength and joy in trying to navigate between God and the devil. This morning, God is telling me to stop mixing my emotions, praise, trust and enjoy ONLY HIM!

So if God doesn’t mind a little off key humor, I’m going to work on making up some new ‘Thank You’ songs from my valley point of view. After all, HE says, it is not only fitting… but it will be PLEASANT! And pleasant is what I am looking for anyway. Care to join me?

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