
Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:44

Well YESTERDAY was interesting! I had 3 separate notifications that I’d better wise up and get prepared because… ‘The End is near!’ If the messages were to someone unaware of the Biblical events that mark The End Times, they might be worried. But being just sold out to Jesus, I have ZERO fear. I’m VERY excited.

One story had Israel firing off a nuclear weapon that COULD cause the world to respond in kind. Another was an interview of Max Lucado by Glen Beck about the possibility of AI and microchips being used to sign everyone up for the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ Add inflation and wars, and ‘the clouds’ COULD be opening soon!

It was interesting to grow up a teen in the 1970’s. So much was going on and changing. When Hal Lindsay’s book ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ hit, we were all convinced that Henry Kissinger was the Beast, and Armageddon was beating on our doors. By the 80’s, the microchip idea was popular. So were prophecy books.

Turns out that it wasn’t a nuke after all and… that bitcoin microchip thing is still in R&D. But the possibility of a HURRICANE DOES exist this week! Gema told me she’s rooting for that one, hoping to get a day off school! Me? I told Jesus that I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT EXPECT HIM TODAY. Maybe He’ll use that to surprise me!

Looking for a picture to use for ‘The End Times,’ EVERY ONE of them were horribly disgusting, violent and scary. Which caused me to check MY attitude about the subject. Having had a love relationship with Jesus for so long, I can’t imagine ANYTHING better than His return. That possibility makes me smile with Joy.

Are YOU smiling? Are YOU ready? Are YOU looking forward to Jesus’ return? Because… it COULD be TODAY! Will He find YOU working with a smile?

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