
In building the temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built.” 1 Kings 6:7

“WHA WHA WHA WRRRREEEEE” was kind of the sound it made when I fired it up. This Radial Arm Saw was the first major power tool I purchased over 40 years ago. It was loud AND messy! But it could cut wood quick and smooth! Still can! I bought it because my dad had one… my friend had one… and I wanted one!

Back then we were very poor., and it was a reach just to buy it. But I worked in the construction business, had a reason AND a place to have a wood shop. It was easy for neighbors to tell when I was working in that shop. Noise screamed through the walls every time I turned on one of the shop tools to build something.

Today’s verse gives insight into how GOD works. As we have been studying Exodus, we have learned that God can get VERY loud. But when He does, it’s not usually for the benefit of those hearing the noise of judgment. When working on the Temple, no tools were allowed, cuz God doesn’t need or use man’s noisy tools.

I can see the Temple is a type, or example, of the place God inhabits… like my heart! When I get flustered, anxious, worried or lost, I have a tendency to throw every tool at those problems, to get some kind of answer or relief. But like my old wood-shop, people can tell I’m doing my own thing… MY WAY… by the noise!

The Psalm 46:10 verse comes to mind, “Be still and know that I am God.” The lesson is, God doesn’t need MY noisy help to fix my heart, soul and spirit into his abode! He needs me to just relax… and quietly LET HIM. Will YOU?

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