“…store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:20-21
“There it is… and OH WOW… THAT’S HERE TOO!??” I was shocked and in wonder because, over the last couple months, I had actually looked for BOTH items in 2 garages, searching for the items before me! Inwardly rejoicing, I knew THIS time I needed to set them in a special place… and REMEMBER where I put them!
I suffer from a disease that affects the majority of people in this country. I have TOO MUCH STUFF! It’s a hard disease to diagnose because, well… it’s HARD to admit… I’m a junkie! When Katie picked up a couple items to throw into the garbage, I immediately cried out.. “WAIT! I need that!” She rolled her eyes.
Junkies are hard pressed to see that there’s only so much space to put stuff. If I can’t remember WHERE I put it, it is of no use to me when I need it. Looking at one Item that I have owned for about 17 years, I can only remember using it once! Asking a friend if he wanted it, he said, “Sure… ya can’t have too many of THOSE!”
It only took a flash to remember the person who gave me a piece of stuff that I now debated getting rid of. I appreciated him. We were very close friends. But he passed away years ago. Seeing the item made me remember and caused me to miss him. He’s in Heaven now, and I took a moment to treasure a future reunion.
Looking around at stuff made me realize that I can’t take it with me. And that just because “I’ like a piece of stuff, doesn’t mean my family will after I’m gone. No… the greatest treasure I own isn’t something that I can put away and go back to get later. It’s God and People. Today’s verse tells me what to do with BOTH of them.
What are YOUR Treasures in life? Are you sending them ahead?