“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Isaiah 43:2
WHEWW… IT’S HOT out there! I know because I’ve been in it for the last several days! And it wasn’t to sit beside the pool or to go to the beach. The only relief from I got was to take a towel and wipe off the sweat from my face, after it’d run into my eyes. Then… it seemed the hotter it got, the less my brain worked!
I have a ritual when I work. Most people do. I gather and take all the tools I think I may need, throw them into my truck, along with Power-aid and snacks… AND my headphones for music. Focused plans typically follow the wind as I work from 1 thing to another, stopping to drink, munch, plan and wipe my face! Add heat!
If I take off my gloves to adjust the music, or if I drop a hammer or wrench to go find another tool, I’ll pass by another job that needs attending and pick up where I left off there. Which means, it doesn’t take long before I forget where I put my gloves, wrench or hammer! As my shirt gets drenched, my brain shuts down.
The combination of all these events take a brutal toll on my self worth. As I question how I got into this mess in the first place, I start to feel small and more useless. Then… satan joins in by having my music system play, “Have You Heard about the Lonesome Loser!” Soon, depression takes its toll and I feel like the song.
Getting out, or through that valley, always requires help. A literal BREAK from the process of what is going on, in and around me, helps. It takes God focus, The Word, people (thank GOD for my wife!) reminders and effort to get me THROUGH those times. The Promises of God, in today’s verse, are His… to me… IN the storm.
It is interesting to note that God’s method for storms of life is to GO THROUGH THEM WITH ME. He’s ALWAYS there. If I can just stop, wipe my eyes and see! So… how’s YOUR storm outlook progressing?