
It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.” 1 Peter 1:12

“MAN, IT’S HOT OUT HERE!” Having worked out in the hot, humid, sunny afternoon, I made that statement to my neighbor when he walked out from his house. Sweat was pouring from every pore and fatigue had made it’s home in my body hours before. I was spent. But the job wasn’t done… so I slowly pressed on.

The headphone I wore was connected to a phone. The ‘app’ selected was playing Gaither Homecoming Hymns of old Church antiquity. Occasionally I would stop for a break of ‘Powerade,’ close my eyes and sing along… ‘It is Well With My Soul.’ If someone would have told me I was being watched in awe by Angels… NAH!!!!

Angels know nothing about sweat, fatigue, sickness, sorrow, sin, despair, human salvation or the Joy that comes with it. They don’t exist in vulnerable bodies that require hours of sleep to continue on. Stopping to think about that… I am in awe about being awed! They REALLY don’t understand why their perfect Lord died for me!

To further complicate the misunderstandings of the Heavenly Realm, satan and his army of demons HATE me more than anything! Being the object of love by the very same God who suffered and died for me, I have become the tool by which God will ultimately destroy him. Satan is not awed by me… he is disgusted!

With sweat in my eyes and exhaustion sapping what little strength was left, I whispered “I love you SOOO MUCH Jesus!” It wasn’t until later, upon reflection, that… that 1 little sentence must have sent a GASP throughout the Heavens… on ALL sides! Some being marveled… others made repugnant. But God smiled!

In a war I don’t fully realize, I schlep through days going from fine to frown, not really able to see or comprehend, ‘The Big Picture!’ I meter out my moods with words, feelings and actions that range from dismal to sublime. All on a stage that Heavenly beings intently watch, like a Broadway play. To all spectators, I am surprisingly… amazing!

No… I do not understand it. Most importantly I CANNOT comprehend why MY Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loved me enough to suffer and die for my future place… on a throne right BESIDE Him! The ‘Big Picture’ only starts to come into view when I consider, love and appreciate the Christ, and HIS Father, who made me for this very purpose! Amazing… Grace! Do YOU live in it?

Are YOU being AWESOME? Are YOU connected to the one who loves, saved and wants to use YOU to reach others who absolutely have NO clue what’s really going on? Why not take a moment and Thank Jesus for the honor!

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