“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth.” John 16:13
My neighbors told me I needed to cut my grass! Well… not out loud or to my face. But the message was very clear and unmistakable. They had cut THEIR grass a couple days before, and now, looking at their well manicured lawn, mine looked like a disaster. If I let it go any longer, my lawnmower wouldn’t be able to do the job.
I gave myself the excuse that I really didn’t have the time. But I’d used that one the day before when I really didn’t. Now, having an hour to kill, I knew it only took 35 minutes from start to finish. So I grabbed the lawnmower, put on my headphones, found the music I wanted to listen to and off I went. It was the hottest time of the day!
It took 3 short breaks for Gatorade to get through it, and when done, I was soaked from head to toe with sweat. But God, long ago, blessed me with a swimming pool. So I jumped in! The prompting by my neighbors was not intentional. They were taking care of THEIR stuff, which made me want to take care of my stuff too.
The Holy Spirit is the Greatest gift Christians have, right next to Salvation in the first place. Residing in the hearts of all believers who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord, He has the same distinct skill my neighbors have. He doesn’t have to SAY ANYTHING to communicate EVERYTHING! When something needs done, or undone, I just KNOW!
I’ve tried a LOT of excuses to reason, argue or simply get out of doing something that I KNOW I should, or shouldn’t do. But in the end, my logic fails every time. I know, that He knows… that I know, He knows! It’s just the way God works. Do YOU have the Holy Spirit? How good are YOU at hearing and following His lead?
How does the lawn of YOUR life look?