
Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” Revelation 4:5

The night was uncommon from the beginning. Not being Baseball fans, we drove to St. Petersburg to see the Tampa Bay Rays. Our grandson’s High School Chorus was asked to sing the National Anthem, and we were invited. When we left, it was hot and sunny… and we were in a hurry. We arrived early, ill prepared for the storm that was rolling in.

Leaving in a rush reminded me of the Exodus story. I didn’t look or check the weather, so I didn’t even think to take my raincoat. While walking the area, a HUGE storm let loose and we got drenched. We found a little women’s shop and popped in to get out of the rain. Written on the wall was II Timothy 4:7… “I have fought the good fight!”

In the midst of the storm, as we found protection with a fellow believer, we chatted about Jesus. When the storm let out, we made our way to the stadium and watch and sing ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’ We could hear “The bombs bursting in air’ from the lightning and thunder outside, while we sat cool and dry, comfortably inside.

It was a rocky night… but we were safe and secure. Driving home later, the roads were soaked, as a light rain fell almost the whole way home. As I prayed and asked for a safe trip, I could powerfully sense God’s presence inside the dry car that seemed to simply ‘cling’ to the road. I just knew we were safe as God rode along with us.

It is difficult to explain to someone who doesn’t have the Holy Spirit in them. There is no way for me to remember all the difficult and stormy times I have been through with Jesus. But I am still HERE because he has been through ALL of them with me. I have found peace in learning that, wherever lightning and thunder are… ‘God is’ as well.

Have YOU found peace and shelter in the midst of life’s storms? Does lighting and thunder bring YOU comfort? Maybe, now that you know God is in it, you will find no need to have fear as your companion on life’s road.  

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