
He said to them, ‘Take to your heart all the words with which I am warning you today, which you shall command your sons to observe carefully, even all the words of this law.'” Deuteronomy 32:46

Divinely Overwhelmed! That is the only thing I can feel about last night when, at our little church, 36 men, women and children came on a rainy night to learn and discuss God’s Word! The time was excellent, the Spirit was overflowing, Love was present and fellowship was genuine. Giddy God sat right there among us… and He spoke His Word.

The group of adults varied from old time Christians to folks just getting exposed to God’s Word. Having received the job of Pastor after my father died 24 years ago, our Bible Study regularly held about 5 people… Including my wife and I. Today, most everyone brings their NIV Scofield Bible. For new learners, I give the page numbers.

The Bible Study is called FLAP. One of our old saints suggested the acronym for Fellowship, Learning, Asking and Praying… it stuck. And that is exactly what we do. Prayer requests are taken and petitions are made, then questions about ANYTHING Bible related are heard. But we ALWAYS use The Bible to find our answers.

These days I have to agree with many of our national Church Leaders and Pastors, that the desire to learn and live the Word of God, is waning. Most people today don’t even BELIEVE in God.. much less that the Bible is the pure, inspired Word from Him… to us. BIBLE could mean Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! That’s how WE see it!

I am SO proud and honored to serve this special Body of people who want to know what God has to say about… well… pretty much everything! In the face of pain, sorrow, hurt and anguish, we have ALL had doubts about God, and His Word, coming through for us. But we all agree that, even when we doubted… Jesus Christ has NEVER failed!

So if you’re close, join us at FLAP on Wednesday evening. If not, grab your Bible and find a group that loves to cut into God’s Word to find life’s true answers.. from the Creator Himself. I promise… reading His Word Daily, and asking Him to help you live it, will bring you ‘The Abundant Life’ Jesus Himself promised! Do you make God Giddy by Reading His Word?

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