
Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus.” Hebrews 3:1

I felt good, because I was on a possible mission from God. A fellow teacher with Katie had called for help. She was right down the street and needed a jump for her car to start. Being an atheist she really isn’t a fan, but asked for me anyway. I was there in 8 minutes. Pulling in, I saw a man beside a car with a HUGE “Harris” window sticker!

On one hand, it was awesome to be given the opportunity to show the Love of Christ to someone who doesn’t know Him. On the other hand, I was flustered that right across from us was someone who, I perceived, wanted to take away my hard earned liberties! I had to work hard to make sure my face outwardly showed the Jesus side! But Inside!??

I feel like Moses before Pharaoh… or Job before his self righteous ‘friends.’ Both illustrations have men of God in VERY difficult situations. GOD knew what was going to happen, but His 2 servants didn’t. They were forced to follow through each and every tick of the clock, for a very long time, UNTIL their conditions were changed by God.

God told Moses what to do, and even warned him that Pharaoh was going to not yield. But I don’t see that as evidence Moses was comforted. Job was in exceeding agony with no way of knowing if, or when, His painful condition would end. In looking at the political war we’re in, I see danger. I DON’T know what God is going to do. Or WHEN!

In a country where it seems we are divided in half, the upcoming election will be decided by the number of people who decide to do nothing! I wrestle with the question, “what CAN ‘I’ do?” Because getting flustered does not help! When I came across this Bible verse, I heard God speaking directly to me. He wants me to share it.

This is the hardest lesson I have ‘never ‘really learned… 100%. I am a ‘Child of God’ living among Children of God. We all share in His Heavenly Calling. In the midst of horrible evil and chaos, what am I to do? He tells me. “Fix your thoughts on ME!” He wants me to share that message with YOU! So… what’s on YOUR mind these days?

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