
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!” Revelation 3:15

Walking across the grocery store parking lot, the heat just baked us. As quickly as possible I threw our purchases into the back of the car, shut the door, and headed to the drivers side. Suddenly I heard, “IT’S HOT OUT HERE!” Glancing back I saw a man standing in the middle of the lot, cigar hanging out of his mouth, shirt open… talking!

With sun and sweat in my eyes, it took a second to realize he was talking to ME. I responded with “Yea, that’s Florida in the summer for ya!” He just stood there on the black pavement… then asked, “when’s it gonna get cooler?” With no desire to stand in that heat, I simply said, “well sir, about mid October we should get a break! See ya!”

At the time, I didn’t sense any heavenly nudge or immediate need to join the man in conversation. The best thing for both of us was to get out of the sun. Maybe he just wanted to finish his smoke first. But being the kind of guy who prefers A/C, I felt compelled to DO something about SWEATING. I started the car and AC… and left.

The Book of Revelation discusses the Apocalypse at the end of time. But before it gets all nasty, Jesus has John write love notes to the 7 existing churches. The last one, Laodicea, actually represents the time we are living in right now. Jesus doesn’t have anything good to pat us on the head for, and says he’d rather spew us out of His mouth!

There is no doubt things are getting hot out there. But I’ve the mind that if it’s getting worse, I really don’t have a desire to just stand around in it. I’d rather do something about making it better, or getting out of it. Jesus wants me to read His Word and to GO out and share the VERY COOL News of His grace and Love. Don’t just stand around smokin!

Are you a cool kind of person out there sharing Good News with those who are burning up? If so.. you’re Jesus’ kinda cool! Keep going!

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