
“…and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:39

Early this morning, darkness was pierced by a flash of light. Within 3 seconds… the BOOM came and rain started to fall. After a few more ‘flash and bangs,’ I got up to slightly open the window. I LOVE sleeping while listening to a good rainstorm. This one did not disappoint. Later, Katie asked, “will your truck get me to work?” “Huh?” I asked.

I hadn’t gone out to LOOK at the road, but she had, and the water in the street was HIGH. Putting on my raincoat, I went out to recon the situation. I wasn’t sure if I should drive in that deep of water, so I did the only thing I knew to do because… ‘I Noah Guy!’ so I texted Frankie, my vehicle expert! He advised going slow, but that I would make it.

Light travels at 186,291 miles per second! Using that fact, it’s calculated that it takes about 5 seconds for the sound of thunder to be heard for every mile from a lightning flash. It sounded like a couple of those ‘flash bangs’ were in my backyard! I just smiled. Once, counseling a lady afraid of lighting, I said, “lightning is the place of God!”

I trusted my friend and car expert, and was able to take Katie to work and get home again. Eternal Life is like a good Government job… not about what you DO, but WHO you KNOW. I know JESUS! As news flashes and the chaos of the world becomes worse and worse, today’s verse always makes me smile. When He comes, it’ll be to get me!

Are YOU afraid in storms? If you know Jesus as your Savior, you can just roll over and smile… cuz Jesus has me… and YOU! If you let Him. By the looks and sound of things in our world, I’m figuring that He’s coming soon! But I’m ready! Are YOU?

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