
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 1:1-3

“Knock Knock…” “Who’s there?” “No… Knock Knock!” Cuz it’s a command… not a joke! Today’s verse comes from Paul in His written letter to Timothy. In reality, the instruction comes from God in the form of a command! It sounds like God wants us to pray for EVERYBODY. Even our government leaders! And as I said, it’s not a joke!

Today is a special day for several reasons. It’s a day before we vote in the primary election. But I’ve been looking forward to this day and a meeting with a young man named Josh. 10 days ago, we were standing on our busy corner holding signs for Jesus when this young man came up to debate about the existence of Jesus. It was intense.

I was encouraged when he gave me his phone number and made an appointment to meet with me. Arguing with someone who just wants to prove their own point is a waste of time, but underneath, it seems that he really wants to be convinced that there IS a God. So far, he says, all he’s heard is, “ya just gotta believe!” He wants more info!

This is where The Church and all readers come in. I have the honor of having a few other men who have asked if THEY can join in the discussion! I am blown away! Not so much by a young man who wants answers, but by Christian men who actually CARE enough to want to take part in sharing the Gospel! Today is going to be FUN!

I am asking you, dear reader, to join in as well. Will you pray for Josh and our team? We meet at 2pm today and we need as much Holy Spirit as we can fit into the room… PLUS! And while you’re at it. Why not pray for the president and our elected officials… AND for a fair election tomorrow. It sounds like that is EXACTLY what Paul is saying!

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