
 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

‘There’s a storm coming!’ I’m reasonably certain that if you live in Florida, the picture and this first sentence caused your heart to jump. But fear not. That is an old map and there is no storm warning for our area. But there WILL be a storm… coming. Weather forecast says heavy rain tomorrow. Right now, outside my window, it is calm and still.

Having recently been deluged with more water from hurricane Debby than I can ever remember, the shock and tragedy for some is still very real. I’ve lived in Florida for over 40 years and have been through MANY storms. Because of that, I have a tendency to be tougher in the face of hurricanes. I have plans and am prepared as much as I can be.

Most of God’s Word has been around for 2000-3500 years now. It is FULL of warning and predictions of what will happen, especially as we approach the ‘End of Days.’ Having read past prophecies written that came true EXACTLY as predicted makes me aware of what may be approaching. Especially in the political weather I see now… world wide.

I’ve been a Christian a lot longer than I have been a Floridian. Having gone through seasons of life resembling desert experiences, I know what its like to be scared, uncertain and deeply concerned that God just might NOT show up. But in all of my life, I have NEVER EVER seen God… NOT show up! Even if it’s like in the usual… last minute.

The Word of God tells Believers who have trusted and given their lives to Jesus Christ to allow the Holy Spirit to bring them Joy, Peace, Love and Fearlessness… and other things. I am called to go OUT into that chaotic world and TELL people about the Good News of what Jesus has done for ME. Then BRING them GOOD NEWS in face of the BAD news.

That means that I am to first receive His Word and blessing, LIVE it… then go out and TELL about the personal experience of His perfect, exacting love for ME. So daily I read His Word, pray, receive His provisions and try to remember them to tell others of my experience. Are YOU tracking with Jesus and do YOU have some good stories to tell?

Don’t let any storm catch you unprepared! 

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