
“…clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” Romans 13:14

“It’s JUST a COOKIE!” “But I LIKE fried chicken better!” “Hey! I’m eating VEGETABLES!” “But it’s DIET Coke.. and I ONLY have 1 a day!” Every one of those simple sentences are really not that simple. Because they are ARGUMENTS in a debate about how I’m SUPPOSED to eat! I just got an A+ on my prostate cancer exam. Then the war began!

In a war there are always 2 sides. The ‘bad’ guy can change, depending on who and how the issue is looked at. Diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago, I have been a reasonably good patient. But lately, I’ve been feeling celebratory and have been craving things like candy, beef, fried foods, soda and junk. All things BAD for me and cancer!

Looking back, I know satan is involved because the status of this altercation has become more like a ‘war’ than a ‘battle.’ It NEVER ENDS and is ALWAYS on my mind! The temptation gets so ridiculous, I find myself making the most RIDICULOUS arguments … ON SATAN’S BEHALF! “It’s only cancer and I’m not going to live forever anyway,” UGH!

I recently learned that satan is the former OWNER of my mind, and ALWAYS has access to plant ‘whatever’ into it. GOD… does NOT! To God, my mind is a holy sanctuary, the threshold of which He will NEVER cross… unless I invite Him. Who and what stays and plays in my brain is completely up to me. The World, flesh and devil are my enemies.

A few weeks ago I bought some peanut butter cookies for the church. I had 1… and LOVED it! Since then I have purchased 4 more packages ‘for the church.’ Last night, I couldn’t stop myself and ate 7! Then someone brought me a box of vanilla wafers! AHHHH! This is a very real war. Craving is satan’s incessant tool for wearing me down!

Lust is defined as ‘an overwhelming desire or craving… an intense eagerness or enthusiasm! Today’s Bible verse tells me to do 2 things, PUT on Jesus and THINK on Jesus. NOT COOKIES! The recipe is the same for ANY lust, be it sex, drugs, food, play, TV or ANYTHING trying to kill my walk with Christ. So excuse me while I go change my mind!

Temptation ain’t temporary! And it’s up to ME to focus on Jesus to make it go away.  What are YOU thinking about?

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