
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

Bun Bun is gone! My Grandson’s pet rabbit ‘Bun Bun’ has been returned to its owner in 100% excellent condition. We took it in for about a week, watched, babied and even spoiled it. We got to know its likes and dislikes, habits and even some of its personality flaws. After it got a taste of freedom, it HATED being penned. But it LOVED cauliflower!

I call ‘Bun Bun’ ‘IT’ now because we had been told ‘IT’ was a ‘SHE.’ Someone who is smarter about rabbits than us looked and said ‘she’ was a ‘he!’ When we set it outside, inside it’s fence, numerous wild rabbits would stop by to take a look. We thought they were saying ‘Hi Bun Bun!’ Maybe they were simply saying, “what the heck is this?”

Once, a wild rabbit stretched its neck between the fence to try to munch on a radish. When Bun Bun left, I took a big chunk of cauliflower and set it in the path of the ‘wild ones,’ expecting they would appreciate the treat! It’s been there for days… untouched! The ‘wild one’s’ simply pass it by. Which could be a perfect metaphor for today’s verse.

Because I belong to God, I have a refuge in which to abide. Sometimes I get a little persnickety, and even cranky, as I look at the world through a seemingly hindering lens of captivity… “but look at how much fun the world seems to be having! Why can’t ‘I’ do that?” Then I hear a news story about, or talk to someone in bondage to, the world.

Unlike ‘wild ones,’ I have food and care that they do not know of. Sometimes, even ‘I’ can become unappreciative of my Savior. Then I look out and see SO much of what the world doesn’t… in the love, grace and abundant provision my Savior has provided lil ol ME! It is then that I turn from looking through the fence and draw closer to Jesus.

There’s an old hymn called ‘Count your Many Blessings,’ that encourages me to ‘name them one by one.’ As I securely look out into this insane world, while munching on some cauliflower, I am grateful for all the blessings I have within the refuge of His mighty hands. Are you? What specifically are YOU thankful for today? Have you told Him?

Why not tell someone outside, about your wonderful experience of Living INSIDE with Jesus?

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