
“Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, LORD you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:11-12

This morning, the ‘click, click, click’ of Katie’s feet have a slightly different sound to them than normal. For the last couple weeks she has poured herself into preparation for today’s first day of school. Pictures of our grandchildren, all dressed for Day 1 this new school year, have been coming across my phone. They’ve grown bigger in many ways!

In the digital age, it’s difficult or impossible to go back and find “First Day of School’ pics of when our kids were little. Hard drive crashes without backup of those days sent old pictures into the unknown. On the surface that may sound sad. But I don’t need pictures to see how far they have come. I have the real people! And they’re AMAZING!

Celebrating the passing of time in ‘firsts’ is human. As a parent, I like to know how my kids are doing, hear what their stories are, and pray, hope and encourage them to keep growing up in the right direction. Increasingly… more toward Jesus. With the world bending towards evil, it is even more important to prepare and point out His Word.

As an adult, I have no picture of my first day back to anything. Every day pretty much looks the same to me. Now, I don’t need pictures as much as I need reminders that I’ve already passed from ‘Boot Camp’ to ‘Battle.’ Which means I start everyday with ‘First things First.’ Bible in hand, I realize the enemy wants me dead… or out of the way!

I have dedicated this new day, as I usually do, to learning how to battle better. Living as an adult in this world is tough enough. Doing so as God’s representative in the Battle for the Ages is a serious ‘Call of Duty!’ And it comes to every representative of Jesus Christ’s Church in this evil world we call today. NOT child’s play, life is serious business!

So how are YOU doing in your growing and learning God’s ways? Are you dedicated to becoming and acting the warrior Jesus has called you to be? Are you doing and learning your lessons well? Are you looking forward to applying what you’ve learned in Home-Work? Because our ‘Rabbi’ is a hard taskmaster with very high expectations.

Up and comers, new babies and God’s children are counting on you. Are you a part of God’s Shield for them? Are you favored by The Master?

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