
The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.” Psalm 143:3-6

Our Grandson got this bunny. Named him ‘Bun Bun.’ Reasonable I guess. But they were going out of town for a week and didn’t know what to do with ‘Bun Bun.’ I’m still not sure if the threat to let ‘Bun Bun’ go into the wild was a setup, but the next thing I knew, we were lugging house, cage, food and ‘Bun Bun’ to stay with us for a while!

How do I say it other than, ‘things are different now!’ It’s been Katie and I in this house, alone, for over 2 decades. We didn’t have to think about where we stepped, or provide food or care to anything other than ourselves. Long ago, kids had pet dogs, but we are remembering the routine of closing doors so ‘Bun Bun’ can’t get out! Interesting!

Since Duncan kept it outside, we did too. That is until Hurricane Debby flooded outside. Then Katie, moved by pity, moved her. Lightning, thunder, darkness and anthropomorphism (attributing human attributes to animals) forced Katie to bring ‘Bun Bun’ into the garage. Caring got serious when cuteness moved her inside the house!

I’m not a big pet guy. In reality, the Bible looks at animals as tomatoes with fur. There are no instructions or commands from God on pets. A complaint is that too many people treat pets better than people. God doesn’t like that. Accepting ‘Bun Bun’ came with a level of responsibility. Duncan is our Grandson and ‘Bun Bun’ is his. We love Duncan.

So we have a rabbit for less than a week. Though just a playful, temporary assignment, I’m reminded that life… isn’t! I have a responsibility to my Creator and Provider, as He does with me. I expect nothing out of ‘Bun Bun.’ But in this dark stormy world, where an enemy pursues, God HAS expectations from me. They are not temporary or trivial.

Today’s verses remind me that the enemy is relentless. I need to recognize that. Sitting in a cage, safe and sound, protected and secure is NOT God’s method of care. This is battle! And God expects me to pay attention. My response to God is to remember, meditate, consider, praise and thirst for  Him who made me to be His… forever!

Are YOU thirsty for God?  

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